Damn it…

That’s my dog Ollie — he is a person trapped in a dog’s body. Bees and Julz are getting flak from the High and Mighty clique. I couldn’t care less about those fakers. I do this:
I just ignore them. The biggest offender is D and M and L. Those three can go fuck themselves. Truly. I am disappointed in P for siding with them… but Toulouse-Lautrec. That’s my way of saying Heil Hitler or whatever… it means, you do you.. however crappy that thing is, and I do me.
Anyways, I had a shitload of pizza. I am satiated. Anna cut my hair. When I get my tablet I can properly show y’all.
Well, it is almost meds time…
He is beautiful..but I am confused as to why your sisters are getting flak?
@katep Petty jealousy I reckon.
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Question? isn’t there someone in charge that can give these girls a what for and to treat everyone with respect?
@jaythesmartone Oh yeah, Ry put them in their place.
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Ollie is beautiful 🥰
Mean girl stuff never ends.. I always find it funny that we act like it ends in high-school. Woman just hide it better when we get older.
@cherrywine_1 He is quite the charmer.
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cute dog
@ihavenoarms Thanks Todd.
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Sorry about all of the high school like drama going on in your house.
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