30 Day Writing Challenge

Day 9 – a letter to someone you wish you could meet
Dear Daddy, I wish I could have featured more in your life, instead of a brief encounter when I was 3 months old. I know that you wanted to keep me, but Mother didn’t want me either, so I slipped through the cracks of foster care. I know that yours and Mother’s relationship was a bit like Romeo and Juliet (with less amour obviously?) and that Mother’s parents (my Nana and Granddad) hated you, and your parents (my Nonna and Opa) hated Mother… but still… must I get caught in the middle? I guess so. But seriously..
I miss you like crazy… every day of every week. It’s like a part of me is missing.
Love always,
Your daughter,
maybe in the future you and he can find each other?
@jaythesmartone hopefully one day
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I was deeply saddened when I read this. I know there are many children in just about the same situation. It would be so nice if people took responsibility. But I’m so glad that you turned out to be an awesome adult with such great character and compassion for others. (((Hugs)))
@kotila ty
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That is very sad. I’m happy for you that you have a family of people who love you, but getting over the loss of a father will be a lifelong struggle. It’s good that you can write what’s in your heart. I find that journaling has been a lifesaver for me!
Your image from “Stand By Me” made me smile. It’s one of my husband’s favorite films.
@darkmadonna aye so. Stand by Me is my favourite movie too.
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