Weekend Wrap Up
So this weekend was mostly uneventful. I did fail at the Dewey’s 24 Hour Read A Thon this time around, but not for lack of trying. I nearly finished reading The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert, but my focus just wasn’t there. It was probably due to the fact that I had another event scheduled for last night that I was more excited for. This event was for a gaming night at IHOP. Yeah, I know. That place didn’t really have a lot of the food I was supposed to be eating. I really didn’t do good there as far as food went, but I still had a lot of fun!
Speaking of fun things. This coming up Splatfest is going to be great. For the first time ever I’m gonna get to play with Red Ink on Splatoon 2. This a tournament style Splatfest using Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Unfortunately for this old-school fan, it’s not the early 90’s cartoon they’re talking about. They’re talking about the newest Nickelodeon incarnation. Doesn’t matter. I chose Raphael for the first part of the tournament based on the movie that came out around the 90s. Raphael was my favorite in that movie.
If I get to play in the second part of the tournament, I’ll go with Michelangelo who was my favorite in the cartoon. I can’t tell you how many weird pizza toppings I tried to convince my mother try back in the day. LOL. Mikey was a weirdo. But he also gave me the word Cowabunga! so he is still awesome!
Today I am planning to read a little bit more in The Hazel Wood, do some Diamond Painting, and maybe actually a little bit of Rock Painting cause I’m on this “Inspirational/Soothing words” kick for my rocks, and yesterday, I saw something on Facebook for “Galaxy” rocks. I’m gonna have to see if Pintrest has anymore pictures so I can try and emulate that. Could be cool to try!
For the first time in a while I actually feel not so great. I don’t think it has anything to do with my bad choice in food and drink last night. I just in general feel off. (Okay, maybe it might have a little to do with what I ate last night. But still. We’ll see if I feel any better once I put good food back into my system. Here’s hoping.
Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you guys. I started this 30 Day challenge. I did have to make a couple of modifications because of current groceries I have in the house, but after those are gone, hopefully I can stick to it more closely.
No Chips
No Potatoes (I will be eating baked potatoes only, and using margarine)
No Ice cream
No Fast Food
No Fried Food
No Chocolate
No White Breads
No Soda or Juice (Will be finishing up the pouches of natural fruit juice I do have, but after that, no more juice)
No Cakes or Donuts
No Candies or Cookies
Honestly, 90% of this I will be fine without. I may crave something here and there, but I can turn that off just by drinking water. And usually that works. Here is hoping. Day 1 is today. (I should start in May, but it’s fine.)
They say if you eat protien and fruit you won’t have the cravings for salt or sugar.
Maybe this will help?
@jaythesmartone Thanks, I’m pretty sure it will! Will let you know.
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