Thoughts on Type 2 Diabetes
Some of you may or may not know, but I got diagnosed officially with Type 2 Diabetes recently. I’ve been struggling with the various components of this disease for years, and I knew it was inevitable because both my parents’ parents had it, and a couple of my aunts have it already. Knowing all of these things still didn’t prepare me for the actual diagnosis.
So what do I do? I went to the library on Thursday and checked out a slew of books to help me figure out how to manage it. I don’t get Diabetes Educator like most people. So I have to be my own educator. That’s fine. I thrive on learning new things. So I found a couple of books that I really enjoy reading. The one I’m really enjoying is called Your First Year with Diabetes: What to Do from Month to Month . I’ll probably end up buying the book at my earliest ability, because it has a lot of great points in it, it’s written in such a way that I find comforting, and not as scary as Doctor Victoria and Doctor Nicole have.
That being said, I am going to be making a new chapter in my Diary here that will detail my journey with Diabetes through my first two years. Because I want to track how I deal with it, and if I need more support. I joined a Diabetes support group on Facebook, but have not been officially approved yet. Hopefully things will be approved, and I will have that extra support in a place where I already feel such support for everything I else I deal with (both good and bad).
Oh, I wanted to add that I finally got my meter and kit. The kit itself Only came with 10t lancets. My loving mother bought me my first batch of lancets and testing strips from Amazon. It’s good that I did that because my kit didn’t come with *any* strips. I am told this is unusual. We have found out that Amerigroup through Medicaid does not cover any of my lancets or testing strips. Don’t worry, I will be working on changing insurances soon. I’m just afraid that if I do it now, while I am waiting for APD to approve me for services (they have to go through both my doctor here, and the one that I had in Maryland) I will get denied. Once I get that answer, I will be looking to change things. But that’s a whole other story that I will get into at another time. Thanks for reading, everyone.
It seems like to me half the world has one kind of diabetes or another…..I know it will get some getting use to but in no time it will be a part of your daily routine.
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Welcome to the Diabetes Online Community…well, not really. I’m sorry to hear that you have to deal with diabetes. It’s good that you have family who are willing to help you.
It’s a good thing that you have looked for information on how to deal with it on the web. There is a great deal of good information out there. But be cautious too, there are a great deal of charlatans who are out there just wanting to sell you a product.
The thing to keep in mind is that this is a genetic disease. You did nothing to cause it. Don’t let anyone make you believe differently.
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I am type 2 carbs are not your friend. What was your a1c? did they put you on meds? exercise has turned mine around
No idea what the A1C was, but I know that my blood sugar is pretty high. It’s stayed in the 100s since I’ve started monitoring. @kaliko
@zie 100’s as in low 100 to 130 or higher 100’s like 190?
Between 100-150. @kaliko
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