Theme of the Week: A Great Day
One of my favorite days ever was the day I finally began my hobby of caring for my hermit crabs. I had been wanting to do it from the time we first moved to Florida, but it took a year to get it all set up and in put into motion. Riley and Kit have given me so much joy even though I am fairly sure that they have no idea how much they do for me.
Unlike dogs and cats, Hermit crabs don’t appear to share the same sense of companionship and sympathies. Rather, they’re independent, almost wild creatures, even in captivity. Yet, I like to believe that to an extent they know that they are loved, and in a small way try to find ways to show me they know they are loved. So let me talk to you guys about how I “met” these two little shell babies of my life.
It started with a trip to John’s Pass. I had been wanting to go there forever. Finally had my chance when my brother Christopher came down from Mississippi with his two girls and his wife. We went to John’s Pass, and explored the whole shopping area. Mom had told me ahead of time that my hermit crabs were down there, but she wasn’t sure if they were going to let me get them or not. I remember sending positive vibes of approval their way because I really wasn’t sure if I was going to get back down there again, or how I was going to get them otherwise. (I’m highly spiritual, and I believe in magic, and good intentions. If that makes sense)
After what seemed like hours of shops with jewelry, and cliche tee shirts, and beautiful knick knacks, I finally came across a beach souvenir shop that was selling hermit crabs. It didn’t take me long to figure out which ones I wanted. There were two with shell painted my two favorite shades of blue. The deal they had (if I remember correctly) was the whole set up for 20.00 and that included the crabs. First I picked out one that had teal shell with a lion painted on it. He was very active when the shop owner picked him up and put him in his new carrier. Then I picked out one that baby blue Torchick shell. He wasn’t as active, but that’s okay. I guess if there were little children tapping on the enclosure, I’d be very nervous, too.
Once I’d picked them up (we went and did a little more shopping/looking after I had them picked out), they were active as we walked around the last of the shops. I guess they were trying to figure out what was going on. I named them fairly quickly by personality. The teal shelled one became Kit because he was very brave to come to the edge of the plastic container, and splay his body out to me. (I found out later he was probably trying to breathe! poor thing!) Kit was named after Kit Herondale from The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. That particular character shows bravery for some of the situations he has to deal with as his story unfolds. (NO spoilers here! Go read the books!)
The other crab in the baby blue torchick shell became Riley. Riley is named after a very special original character of mine. Riley’s personality didn’t really come through until later in the evening once we were home. He’s a pretty laid back, friendly crab who honestly doesn’t mind being held, or “petted”.
Once they were home with me, it was a lot of explaining things to my young niece that you couldn’t touch them or hold them while they were trying to get acclimated. Then, it was research time. I spent most of the night poring over information about how to care for hermit crabs properly. I was determined to have my crabs live for much longer than they ever did before when I was a kid and had them as “throw away pets”. Before the end of the evening (well into midnight to be perfectly honest) I had joined several Facebook Groups, and the Next day, I knew what i needed for my babies.
My babies are close to their 1 year adoption anniversary. And for the most part everything has gone smoothly. They have a good tank, a brand new heater, and “grandparents” who more or less get it and understand. They have the best life they could have possibly had in the situation they were in. And all because I Chose to go with my parents to a place where I felt I would make a difference to someone or something.
Pets seem to always be calming no matter what or who they are……
@jaythesmartone Riley and Kit definitely act like they “get it”, but I’m not sure if that’s all in my head or not. LOL. I tend to attach human traits to animals that they probably don’t have. I know they don’t understand “I love you” because they don’t have ears to hear. I’m hoping that when I say it the vibrations of my voice give off kind vibes. Haha.
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