The End is Nigh And Other Things
So I just got done reading a very emotional article about The Middle’s last few episodes. I am not ready for the end of this series. I know I was a sporadic watcher throughout it’s nine year run, but watching it in reruns both on FreeForm and on Hallmark Channel, I have really become a bigger fan than I started out being. Specifically for Brick, who is the youngest, and Axl, the oldest. Sue and I are kindred spirits as we have both grown up over the years and have matured more than we ever wanted to.
Whenever a series ends on TV, I always feel like I am losing friends. I know how silly that sounds, but the truth is I spend a lot of time between TV shows, movies, and books. And the characters brought to life in all of those mediums, especially if done right, can be just as real as a real person would be. When the show FRIENDS ended, I think I was depressed for a good few months. Thankfully, Netflix has put all of that series on it’s streaming service. That doesn’t mean it will be there forever, but it does mean it’s given me some time start buying the digital seasons.
Speaking of buying digital series. I need to buy Shadowhunters Season 3 this month because I’ll forget otherwise. And then I have to buy Season 3 of The Magicians next month to keep up. It seems that season is going so well, too. (re:Shadowhunters). My biggest problem is I can’t get away from stupid Valentine. He just bugs me so much. But Melissa gave me a reason to be so happy about actually making it through the season , so I’m gonna make an effort to actually do that.
As far as The Magicians goes. Sometimes I can only handle that show in small doses. There is nothing wrong with it, but the content can get kinda mature at times and while I am an adult, there are still certain things I do not care for. But I still like the show because it can be pretty funny. I’ve read part of the book, and intend to get through the rest of it. <3
I’m still dealing with headaches. But it looks like they might be subsiding. Yesterday’s was the worst, but I say that about a lot of my headaches. I think it was bad yesterday because I wanted to be productive, and for whatever reason, they always seem worse than they are when I want to do other things. Migraine is the category. -sigh- I know it’s common in adults with Hydrocephalus, but I didn’t think they were this frequent. There might be something to Mom recommending me see a neurologist just to make sure everything is okay, even though I feel in my gut that things are fine where my shunt is concerned.
I have yet to watch The Magicians show – I read all the books, and was a fan, but the show just seemed too different – but I think I will have to give it a try.
@thediarymaster It’s worth it!
My favorite pairing that isn’t a pairing is Margo and Eliot.
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My husband read all The Magicians books and loved them but couldn’t love the show past the first season.
I’m a sporadic watcher of The Middle, too. I’ve never committed to it, but I enjoy it whenever I catch an episode.
@queenofegypt I’m at the very beginning of the book, so he’s just getting to Brakesville school. I loved the first season, and so far have loved the second season. (TV. Though I could do without the explicit sex.
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