Random Thoughts in My Head
So I’ve been great. I haven’t been on here lately. I’ve been on the computer, but just not on here. Been working really hard on my courses. I’m also back at the library, doing volunteer work, although this week was a total bust
I had my follow up with my doctor yesterday. She was happy with my numbers even thoug they had to take my word for it because my log was left at home by accident. So I’m doing something right.
Then I went to see The Darkest Minds. I’ve been re-reading the first book and actually reading the second and third one for almost a month, and I’m totally absorbed in this world. It might end up being second after The Divergent series as far as dystopian novels go. The movie of course was nothing compared to the book. But I will say that all the casting was good. And really, they pulled Clancy off perfectly. I was kind of concerned about him. They did leave out a subplot between Ruby and Sam, and we really didn’t get to see the cabin life of the camp, but that was okay. I think they did a great job over all. I’ve learned over the years not to expect an exact replica of the book when it comes to adaptations. But I also know that they can be done more accurately, and it was definitely better than both the 5th Wave and Allegiant. (Don’t get me started on Allegiant. But honestly,I think given that we never got the other half of the ending, it was actually wrapped up better.)
All of the different articles I’ve read on the film version of The Darkest Minds said that a sequel was not guaranteed which I still find unusual considering that when a book series is picked up for filming unless it’s extreme circumstances, the entire series gets made. But this isn’t the first time a book series got cut short in the movie industry. We still never got The Subtle Knife or The Amber Spyglass from Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series, and they didn’t make The Infinite Sea or The Last Star in Rick Yancey’s The 5th Wave series. But I have to say that they ended the movie of The Darkest Minds just right to be a stand-alone. So it’s okay.
I also saw Christopher Robin. It was good. Not great, but good. I think if I hadn’t seen Goodbye, Christopher Robin last month, I would’ve enjoyed it more. But I couldn’t divorce myself from the reality of Christopher Robin Milne’s realistic reaction to the Pooh characters enough to enjoy it for the fantasy, fictionalized story that it was. I’m not saying it was a terrible movie. Not at all. It was well scripted, and it was fun to see childhood favorite characters alive like that, but just…too unrealistic considering Christopher Robin was a real person. (Maybe I should’ve gone in thinking of it as the “fictionalized” Christopher Robin instead and then it would’ve been different for me). Anyway, I’m gonna go. Still have a headache from yesterday, and I have some peer reviews to do from last week’s new session of classes that started.
I saw the commercial for Christopher Robin and I didn’t think it looked all that great. I do prefer the animated one from the 1960’s though….
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