My Day

Today has been exhausting, and painful to be honest. I’ve had a good one though. Went on two walks, and organized my book shelves. I had to do some “preening” as it were since I have to make sure that I have room for the series that I actually want to keep and re-read.

So. I’ve probably put up 20 or more books for donation.  These are old books, and ones that I know for a fact I will never read again.  I would rather have space for the books that I will truly re-read/haven’t read yet/are by authors I actively collect.  In a couple of weeks I’ll have 2 more shelves to put books on so that things will even more organized the way I want. I have just enough room in my bedroom to put two more large bookcases and then after those are full that will be it/ I’ll have to start donating OTHER books. Hopefully not any time time soon though.


I’m in a lot of pain tonight, but that’s mostly because I’ve been overdoing it with the activity. Tomorrow I may take a day off and start up again on Monday as far as walking goes. I just feel so yucky tonight.  Thank goodness for Baclofen and Gabapantin.


edit: As a side note, I did have pictures in here, but I could not figure out how to continue with text once I was done adding the photos. 🙁  If  Anyone knows how to do that, please leave me note and give me some pointers. I don’t remember if images were able to be inserted the last time I used this site, but I’ve been taking more pictures since then, so maybe back then I didn’t notice. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


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