Dog Sitting Week 2
I am embarking on my second week of dog sitting. I am wrapping up one job today, and am continuing my second job. The first job has been great. It’s basically just letting the dogs out and keeping them company during the day until about 5:30. (I’ve been leaving a little after 5 because my relief would there sooner). Today I leave between 12 and 12:15 because the doggie Mama gets home around 1.
The second job is a little bit more detailed. Have to clean up the poops. It’s not a huge deal, actually. The hard part is actually remembering where I saw the dogs take the dumps. And even then, the long grass manages to bury/ hide the crap. I’m sure I’ve missed a couple, but I’m doing the best I can. I just hope the lawn guy doesn’t run over a bunch of it… -wrinkles nose- Yuck.
The dogs are so cute, though. We watch TV together, and the one dog that I was having issues with letting me pet her and touch her? SHe’s suddenly turned into a love bug. One of my favorite things that she does that I love is laying her head in my lap and letting me pet her. Every so often, she’ll lick my hand almost timidly.
The dogs sleep with me, too. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a dog sleep with me, let alone two. They always get so excited, and wanting to lick me. But we eventually settle and I end up curled up either against Sadie (a big dog that reminds me so much of a lab, but i’m not sure if that’s what she is) or Brandy (a dog that is also a mix that reminds me so much of a German Shepard, but is is not). She is the timid one that has decided that I am suddenly her best friend.
Today I am just relaxing at my new dog sitting job. Kinda tired, too. Might try and take a little bit of a nap here in a bit.