Dog Sitting and Other Things
Yesterday started my 2 weeks of dog sitting. I’m so excited because this means $$. With me having overpaid on my bills this month, I’m already down to 14.00 for the month. All but 80.00 of what I’m earning is going straight into the bank because I need to be able to cover the last couple of things that are coming out towards the end of the month.
The other day Dad took me to Books a Million to escape the damn bird we’ve been babysitting for a month. She’s going home Monday, but her screeching was at an all-time high that day. Anyway, he loaned me 40.00 for shopping. I got 4 books for under 30.00. 3 Marie Lu and 1 by Alexandra Bracken. As it so happens, I had another Alexandra Bracken book come in the mail that same day. I swear, I think I’ll just hand her my wallet and say, “Here, take my money!” LOL. I have pretty much said the same things to Cassandra Clare and Holly Black. LOL.
Anyway, the reason I’m giving Dad some of the money is that 1) He replenished my cauliflower rice, and 2) He is buying me a more ergonomic chair for my craft room. He is always looking out for me. I complain about the man sometimes, but…I know he’s always got my interest at heart. Can’t wait to see it and try it out tonight when I get home.
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sounds like your dad is much like mine…always looking out for his children….
@jaythesmartone Yep. He really is a wonderful man.
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Better chairs are always good
@thediarymaster Agreed! !
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