An Early Morning or A very Late Night?

It’s been a long time since I’ve been up this early. This time it is due to my bladder deciding that waiting till 6am (which is my preferred “early morning”) is not an option. I guess that’s what I get for drinking a soda between 6pm and bedtime last night.  Why did I do that? Well, massive headache. We decided that my body has actually been rebelling against my desire to eliminate caffeine from my diet.  Since I’ve been having caffeine for the better part of my adult life, it’s been a struggle every time I’ve actually attempted to take myself off of it. Of course, I could have had one of my GoSips in my Cirkul bottle, but I didn’t think about it until I was halfway through a full can of Pepsi. But I am going to go ahead and put a Black Cherry Sip in my Cirkul this morning so I don’t have any headaches.

It is quite possible I’ve had bad migraines much sooner than I think, and they are just now showing themselves more because of the lack of caffeine. If that’s the case I’m going back on caffeine but not with soda. Soda is dangerous for me. One sip of it, and I feel like I could get carried away by the sugar content. And with my potential and most certain diagnosis of Type II Diabetes, I am not willing to go down that road anymore.

So last night before bed, I enrolled in my last two core courses for my Specialization in Creative Writing over at Coursera. Those classes both start on July 2nd.  I still haven’t told Mom or Daddy C  about these courses. I want them to be proud of my progress once I complete my first course, which is slated to end July 23rd. For now, this is just one great big fun secret for me. And only a few of my closest friends (and now you guys) know what I am doing.

Later today I am going to the library for a day of fun with my friends. We have adult coloring club, and then I may or may not take my volunteer hours today. I haven’t decided. More than likely, I will end up in one of the study rooms to write and/or work on my courses. I have an assignment due for Craft of Character. I want to get it turned in by some time Friday. (It’s technically not due until the 4th, I think, but I like to be ahead of the game, and with two other courses starting on the 2nd, it’s good to be ahead of schedule, I think).

Oh man, I’m already yawning like crazy. I could try and sleep more, but I’m pretty sure the minute I try and lay down, I’m gonna be wide awake again. Maybe I’ll get dressed and then try and work on my Craft of Character assignment instead. It’s a bit too early to even think about running Keurig for Green Tea. And that probably wouldn’t do me a lick of good anyway since it doesn’t have caffeine in it. I’ll get my extra shot of caffeine at the library. Stevie usually has my English Breakfast Tea which is what I like. (I couldn’t find the K-Cups of it at Winn-Dixie so I settled for Green Tea just to have something warm in the morning.)

I will see you guys later.  🙂


Edit: Finished my first assignment for Craft of Character. That was harder than I thought it would be, considering the story/film I had chosen to use. But for me, it was more about the word count constraint.  I’ve always been wordy in my writing. Now it’s time to learn not to be as wordy and still be able to tell a good story. But now I have a good idea for the RP I wanted to do with Valerie, too. Bonus!

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