A Potpourri Kinda Day

You guys probably don’t get that reference, but I’ll explain. It’s a reference from Jeopardy!, which I watch every day that it airs. Not on the weekends though, obviously.

I was in pain for most of today so I didn’t walk. Then when I woke up from my muscle relaxer/neuropathy induced sleep (they always knock me out),  I had a damn migraine. This would probably the 5th or 6th one I’ve had this week. I had to stretch out my immitrex so I took Excedrine Migraine. Which is  all well and good, but now I’ll probably be going to be up  all night.  -sigh-

The flip side of the coin is that I got to have a sit down conversation with my stepfather tonight. It looks like things are going to be okay between me and him now. Everything that happened last Thursday is under the bridge and “forgotten”.  I put it in quotes because technically, I haven’t forgotten, but I want to try and move on from it.

He is going to take me to all of my bazillion activities this week between Humana and the library, and then on Saturday, I have my gaming group at IHOP. I am so excited to get to see everyone again. <3

Well, gonna go. I should at least try and sleep a little.  I’ve been getting up at 7:30am every morning. And I can’t think that will change even if I go to bed around midnight, or later.

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