NoJoMo 19: Favourite Blunders

It’s Friday after a seemingly long week and I am tired and the last thing I want to do before going to bed is find something to write about so I’m not.

Or at least, nothing major.  On the last entry I got a blank note and an unsigned note.  The blank note is something I didn’t even see before today.  It is an empty, unsigned note, perhaps from the same person who left the unsigned note.  I was just thinking today, why unsigned?  I suppose it could be someone who doesn’t have a diary who read this on random.  Or someone who reads and doesn’t want me to know it.  Not sure why that would be.  Or perhaps it wasn’t just a joke, which is what I originally thought it was and was a serious suggestion but they don’t want other people to know that they think like that.  Or they just forgot to login and it is someone who we all know and love and they didn’t realize they left an unsigned note.  Interesting to think about.

Not that I care about unsigned notes.  I don’t receive a lot of nasty notes, probably because I am so lovable and cuddly.  But I have had a few and they don’t bother me.  20 years ago they probably would have.  Hell, 10 years ago they probably would have.  Anymore, if you don’t like me…I can’t get too worked up about it.  Not everyone is going to like me, and I think about it like, well, some dude I barely even know doesn’t like me on the internet.  How can you get worked up about that?

Anyway, that’s all I got tonight.


Since I live here in Norway, I thought perhaps I would post some videos from here, particularly those I remember from the last 10 years or so.

First up, Poor Rich Ones.  These guys were really good, and apparently my Wife knows some of the members.  This guy has a fantastic voice.  They got a fantastic write up on and this album is one I highly recommend if you can find it. 


Next up is Popium.  I’ve posted this song before, but seriously, it is a crime that this song was not a huge hit all over the place.  Plus, there is Bergen in the video!


 Last is Briskeby.  This is a song about the Andy Warhol model Joe Dellasandro.  It also has guest vocals from Ken Stringfellow from The Posies (Ken went on the form a band with all the musicians in Briskeby).  This is such a cool song.




Log in to write a note
November 19, 2010

Best to just think wrong button.

November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010

Wow. That’s pretty amazing. I just wrote the exact opposite… in a note… on the internet. Seriously.