Thoughts and other stuff…

Thought #1: Menopause sucks.

Thought #2: Doomsday prophecies suck.

Thought #3: Bombs and tea…

None of these thoughts are really interconnected, per se… but the reasoning behind them is just random thoughts on this Saturday morning. I have reached the age of the raging hot n colds… lolol… um, the Doomsday thing? My friend Pinky is making me nervous about the end times…. idk if I want to hear about that shit rn. And the bomb and tea? I am just wanting a nice cuppa. And in Barrie Ontario there is a bomb threat? Some arse just made himself a carbomb and was promptly arrested. 😛

Thought #4: Tell your loved ones that you love them, bc you never know… (until you know!)

I like the idea of castles in the sky… it’s fantastical. Don’t you agree??

I’m not high or anything… I just am free spirited. 🙂



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