I just like the chase.

Okay, so I think I might have found someone that I can um….  ‘use’ to get over an ex.

I just re-read that, and it sounds fucking ridiculous.  Regardless, I don’t think that he will be just a ‘rebound’ because I have waited a really long time before I even contemplated getting into another relationship (because I absolutely HATE the concept of ‘rebound – mostly because I don’t get it – [As a gay man, I] -or- [I am gay and] didn’t get the chances to fuck up relationships like all y’all breeders did, but I digress)  Anyway, I hate the term ‘rebound’ and, as such, I feel like I have to be special and different and not conform to relationship stereotypes.  Yeah.

All uniqueness aside, I kind of like him, and I kind of want to be like, his.  I’m not going to lie, the fact that he’s financially independent is definitely an attractive quality HAH – I really actually do like him – I like his ‘cultured’ persona, his taste in music is good, and I think that he would be a good influence on me.  Plus, his wein….  Not the right time or place, self.

And I got my first paycheck, (before eating other people’s pets, to boot!).  Kittens are cute generally, but get more appetizing the longer one eats exclusively ramen.  Anyway, Getting the paycheck resulted in me splurging (10 dollah) on magic cards, and some other amount of bills on impulse (Pop and chips and such that tends to be overpriced because of ‘convenience’ damn you ‘location, location, location’)  I am going to have to start monitoring my consumption of consumable goods.  Department of redundancy department, anyone?

But I think I might have shaken cigarettes for ‘shore’.  I don’t know why I felt the need to spell phonetically, but whatever. 

I also got one of my prescriptions filled at this "Olde Tyme" (pronounced oldey timey) pharmacy/soda fountain, and I absolutely fucking loved every second of it – I felt so fifties, I almost remembered getting molested by that priest and then not bringing it up to my parents for the sake of keeping up with the jones’s (contraction = incorrect) and absolutely no stress on the importance of communication.  *sigh*  It would have been a nice memory, too.

I think I’m starting to see the fruition of my impulsivity in moving out here, and saying that is a really big thing.


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March 31, 2010

ryn: HA..oh if only honesty got one so far as it used to.

April 1, 2010

*chuckles* Me..a breeder..*swirls brandy* OH lordy. I DO declare..