Yes! Dreams come true.

So I went cuba-salsa dancing last nite after work with my friend Fong.. and I called him out on his fakeness. We came to a good understanding.

we departed ways at the train station. I check my phone and had a missed msg from my sweetie. So I called him up and he wantd me to come over. So come over I did! we had a greattime last nite!

I was reallly annoyed at one point though because he was on the phone with his friends and doing his resume on line. I felt I came all the way over to see him the least he could do was pay me undying attention. But I didnt wig out or anything. I just let my self get sleepy and he saw that. I changed and crawled into his ooh too comfortable bed.

He eventually joined me in bed, with soft touches and  lushous kisses.

We talked alot during the course of the nite. It was beautiful. I mean he was really asking me all sorts of questions abuot me, my life and what is going on with my family. I answered as much as I could comfortably. I hate talking about my family.

I really do hope things work out with this guy. So far we havent put a label on this thing that we have, but I find it so awsome that I wrote a poem about our situation right now, BEFORE we even met.  I dont for-see any problems yet. We communicate very well, make each other laugh and enjoy eachother touch.

I was talking to a friend the other day about him. My friend advised me to observe what he reponds to- thats what it means to be understood.. because if your not understood you might as well be alone.

Im beginning to understand him alot more- everytime we hang out.


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