What a Nite!!!!!!!

So Im sitting here yesterday at work and notice my phone vibrate.
I had missed a call.
It was from the guy Im seeing!
He had left a msg so I checked it out.
He was inviting me to go with him to this chinese new year/promotional type thing.
I called him back. I told him I would go and that I’d call him back after I got off work.
Believe me it seemed like forever!
Since I was in queens I suggested we meet at his locale. He agreed.
I took the bus to the train and met up with him

I was walking down this massive stair way trying to find him when I heard,”SAHRE”.

So I turned to my right and there he was. He was looking as cute and clean cut as ever. We smiled at eachother, then hugged. He said,” You might wanna hurry up, Im going to take you to the best sushi place ever.” I giggled  and put some pep in my step. Winding through the subway terminal we found the V train . He picked up the paper so we could read about this event we were going to. We talked a bunch and laughed at silly things, really. He told me we were going to meet up with his friend. Kool.  We exited the  subway and walked a few blocks. Then   we went into this cute little japanese place. I automatically started talking in Japanese. OMG. He (being my date) said something in Japanese and wow. Wow. I think I died. He was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. Iy como mi dwele. He has a fantastic smile too.

We sat down at the sushi bar. His friend arrived momentarily after that. He introduced us and that was that. Turns out he stayed in Japan six months. Interesting. So we had some sake, I got buzzed, and it came with complimentary sushi. YAY and yum.  He (my date) we so kind. He paid for my sake. He likes paying for my things- is that good?

We didnt stay long, we had to move on (http://www.kevinso.com)- we took the subway even though I had convinced my date to take a cab. His friend who is also his roomate made him decide otherwise. We arrived there quicly and wooo that line was LONG! Another friend showed up, her name was Yuko. I liked her. She works for ELLE magazine.

After not so long we arrived inside. We were greeted by a chinese empress drag queen. Quite lovely!

We quickly got our free beers and consumed. The lions were running around, the music was loud and did I mention the free beer?! We migrated to a corner of the room and chilled. Everyone knew some one but me! heehe that was cool.

So the nite went on and I eventually made it to the rest room line. God it was long. I called my date over to hang out with me whilst I waited. It was cool. So we went back and had some samplings of the sparse food they provided. Yuko and my dates roomate cut out early. They wanted to go home. Thats fine. We stayed.

At one point I remember telling him I wanted to dance. So he took my hand in  his and we danced. The music was soo strange but so beautiful at the same time. Really, it was like one of those odd moments in time that is yours and you know its supposed to be yours because its just what you dreamed..its perfection. I felt that way right then. He’s pretty smooth I have to give it to him. He held my right hand and a beer in the other. His hand was soo soft and smooth. God, it just hurts my heart to remember how I enjoyed holding his hand. He spun me around more than once. I enjoyed that. We linked our fingers and god, god, god. How I died in that moment but lived forever. I stopped dancing a few seconds before the song was over. I said,”That was nice”. He smiled.

He was soo insistant upon meeting the marketing people we made that our next mission. We met the person who owned the space, the person who was in charge of marketing. I mean we met every body. Our inside contact was Carri. She was lovely. Noel, her friend gave me one of those perfumy cigerrettes. I puffed it and got soo dizzy. I sat down and my date sat down next to me. I was really done for!

My date was so happy after we hob nobbed and got business cards (shame on me! Im going to get mine tonite!). We waited around for this band to get on and when tehy did we stayed for like one song and then we left.

We walked down to 14th street together, in the slight slight rain. He really didnt say much. I wonder if  it was the fact that was buzzed or what. I could feel he was thinking about something.

So we got to the train.. he was going to take the train- I the bus.  He gave me a kiss on my cheek and hugged me. In turn as we were pulling out of our hug I gave him a soft slow kiss on his cheek. We spoke a little more and I hugged him again. He’s so cute-with that little look he had on his face. I thanked him for a wonderful time tonite and I stumbled off to the bus stop with dreams of   seeing him again and smoked salmon sushi .

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February 10, 2005

oh it sounds like you had a wonderful time 🙂 I think someone has a lusty crush! 😀 Enjoy it!! I hope you get yours tonight then -H.