Protesting the best

Im not going to elaborate on all of the problems I currently do have, because all of them are going to work out, and if they dont, there is all ways the rocky road to take *smiles*

A new year is coming, and surprizingly I find my self movitvated to do all of these things I just couldnt bring my self to do for months.

Im finally motivated. It took me forever to get into this mode, but now that Im here, Im here to stay.

Im definatley progressing in my Nihongo and It really helps that every where I look in my Apt. I have kana and hiragana liberally decorated! Im not quite sure where I want to go with my developing skills of japanese, but Im sure It some how will digress to the orginal goal of me being able to translate my own trading cards ^^.

Life goes on!

So, Im pretty serious about this college thing, which reminds me, I need to track down this girl I used to go to school with, she had soo much info on scholarships!

Sadly, My parents will not rejoice in my entering of college. Im doing this on my own, with out their help, or advise. I know what I want to do, and Im doing it.

My future.

Its already here isnt it?

Every day, every moment is another part of my world that Ive conqured.

Im happy. I just read a friends journal entry and it totally inspired me. Im like running on half a tank of gas due to tha fact I stayed up till 423 am last nite watching this movie called “Relax, its just sex”. Really good movie.


The only sad part to this entry is that I cant travel right now! Since Im so financailly strapped, I dont think Ill be going out of state for about 2 months. I have to resolve to have my knee surgery before I travel again. Just to be fair to myself, because knowing me, Id put it off just a little further.

My knee

I want my day in court!

I want it soo desperately!!

Other than the surgery Im excited about getting a settlement. Its with that money Im going to tour the west coast.

I called one of my bests buds out in Youngstown Ohio, and informed him of our plan.

His parents moved from New York, to LA, so…

what we are goign to do is go from Ohio, to Nevada, then I have a friend in california I want to see so we are going to bounce over there,.. then I want to go to corpus christi to go visit my friend Manuel Q. who is going to show me around and take me to see all of the selena sites. From there, my friend said he wanted to go to Lousiana, baton rouge so we’ll hit up there,.. and I figure from that Either we’ll go to Disney world, or Newyork. At this point I opt for either due to the fact I really dont care. Never been to disney world, so that might run me over the budget edge, and if we go to New york we can hook up the old crew. Either way, both ending points have their advantages.

So this is what Im currently doing. I doubt Ill up date this Od for a while after this, cause Ive reallly got to start pumping out some serious art work

*looks at watch*

Now Ive got to run back to work *eye roll* but at least Im more awake now!

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happy new year, good luck!!