Only on Tuesdays

Something in side me snapped last nite.

Im not sure what it was exactly, but it did.

I cant even define this feeling, except I feel on the verge of crying whenever I talk to someone. So needless to say Im avoiding everyone.


Thinking about what is best for me, I need to get out of Georgia,.. for more than 2 weeks at a time. I am quickly becoming tired and frustrated of this shitty bus system, and made to feel bad because I dont have a car. Really, I dont want a car and I have to aspirations to get one. Its like having a child.

Maitence, feed it(gas), insurance, and whatever else is associated with cars.

My mother really pissed me off yesterday,

She gave me like the serious brush off, as did two other people I know.

I hate Tuesdays, and they hate me.

I dont know what to do, to make my self feel better. In my entire life, Ive never felt this close, or even remotely close to loosing it.

I know Ill be able to get through work tommorrow, just focus on my customers and getting them to where they need, and they’ll be please, which will please me. After work, Maybe some DDR, but immedately afterward go home and stay home to work on my art work.

Tonite, if my mother comes by I imagine Ill go to wall mart with her.

I guess I need to get going.

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October 15, 2002

I hate the losing it feeling… no matter what remember that you have friends and they love you. That usually helps. Chocolate never hurt either. *hugs* I miss you, come say Hi soon. -H.

*hugs* Hang in there, lady!