2 more days till nyc

Im fucking mad @od. I wrote a beautuous entry and it didnt save.. press back and it was gone.

muther fucker.

Any way, I cant remember word for word what I wrote before, but Ill try to caputre.. the sheer beauty of what Id written *anguish*



I leave for new york in 2 days… Im excited about going home. Its been 10 months now. My mission for this trip is to go to FIT and get information. That is going to be my first stop after getting into town and settled. Its going to be a real whirl whind, since I have such a short time in the city, but still and all, I’ll enjoy every bleeding moment of it.

So lately Ive been hanging out with this kid from Jersey, he’s going to the U of ga to get his masters in AI. He’s pretty awsome. When we hang out, I feel alive. When Im not with him.. I need ritalin. LOL. Me, him and our buddy jeff for the past month have been driving to atlanta to play DDR. Its awsome. Then we swing by jeffs best friends house David. David is very cool. Hes a hacker, like jersey (‘cept jersey is waaaay more advanced). And true to my nature I pass out, only to be awoken rudely. Maybe I just need to get more sleep on friday nights so I wont need sleep on Saturdays.

Honestly, I dont think Ive ever had a friend like him. He’s crazy, spontenaous, funny, sincere. Im not saying I havent had friends who are like that, but its the way he is,.. that makes it shine through more. Plus he lovesss Kitty chan (hello kitty) which, in my book is like *looks torward heaven* wonderful. ^^

so what else is new? my health is failing, I think I need to go to the er,.. but Ill wait a day or so.


Guess I should waddle over to the south pj for the anime club meeting.


In the end all decisions are selfish I belive. Because in the end you have to do what is best for you, dont you?

oh.. before I bounce I want to get a shirt in arabic that translates to :

“If you can read this, please bomb your own country.We like ours.


lol, so if any one out there can traslate it for me,.. please let me know,.. I realy want to put it on a shirt.

ja matta

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October 29, 2002

Have fun in NY!!! And take care of yourself, get better. Miss you! -H.

Hey hey! Have fun up north!