Wednesday, 6/6/12.

Well, Thorpe’s at Download for the next five days and I’m missing him already. Lame. I’ll be fine tomorrow, but whenever he goes away for a short amount of time I always feel really low on the actual day he goes. It probably doesn’t help that the weather there is atrocious, I’ve been checking the hourly webcam feeds and it’s been pissing it down since this morning. Poor buggers, I know they’ll probably still have an awesome time but putting up a tent in the pouring rain is no fun and I keep having these images of Thorpe sitting there shaking, freezing cold and wet. I’m sure when I get home from work at 10pm tonight and crash into bed he’ll be pissed as a fart wandering around the Village with Angus and the lads and having a great time so if I can just convince myself to stop worrying I’ll be fine!

I distracted myself this morning after he’d left at 9am by painting three of the four walls in the second bedroom. They’re looking the best I’ve seen them so far, yay! I’m hoping tomorrow morning I’ll be able to get the last wall and the ceiling painted, maybe give two of the walls a second coat and then all the white undercoat will be done! Just the blue coat, the radiator and a carpet to come after that which hopefully won’t take as long as the pre-painting did.

Then I did the ironing and checked the usual internet-bits and then mum came over for an hour for a cuppa because I was feeling lonely. Tehe, I’m silly. It’s 5pm now, so I have 45 minutes before I need to leave for work. Quite glad to be working to be honest, and I’m hoping I can pick up some reduced goodies before I leave. 

Not a lot else to mention. I didn’t update yesterday because I worked 8am – 5pm and then Thorpe met me at Tesco to get the last few bits for Download so we didn’t get home until 6ish, then ate dinner and watched Gladiator. Thorpe’s dad left about midday, it was nice to have seen him for more than a day but I’m secretly pleased that it will probably be a while before we see him again. He did leave us a duvet and pillows though which was nice.

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