Wednesday, 15/8/12.

The overtime got cut today but because I had my monday contracted hours moved to today I worked 8:30 – 12:30 (instead of 8:30 – 5:30, oh well). Then I came home and made myself a cous cous, sausage and salad menagerie for lunch. It wasn’t bad! Got the other half for tea because it was huuuuge. Played a bit of PS3, then decided I really should start on the workbooks Caremark gave all of us newbies. They’re pretty hard! Still, I got the first two done so I rewarded myself with maltesers. Thorpe’s got football tonight so I’m going to play some games on the ‘puter because it’s all set up upstairs now! 

Because I’m so proud of it, I present you with bedroom picture spam:

This is, if you remember, how it looked once we’d stripped all the walls, taken the carpet up and gotten rid of the godawful wardrobes the lady before us had:

I’m nakeeeeed!

This was how it looked once we’d put the undercoat of white on the walls:

Then, as we started to build up the layers of white, the paint from underneath started flaking and we eventually had to strip all the paint from the wall behind the door and re-skim:

This was just the beginning. That wall ended up being completely bare again, and then had to re-done once the skim had set.

Eventually though, many months down the line, I got the ceiling and the skirting boards painted white and three pots of blue paint later, this was the result:

Ta da! Aren’t I shiny?!

Finally, we went to Olympic Carpets and found a lovely grey carpet with underlay and booked the fitting. Thorpe then sanded and cleaned the two desks and we moved all the units and bits and bobs into the room. I am proud and extremely relieved to say this is officially our little office now!

umm … yeah, so we haven’t got around to putting up the curtains yet, deal with it! 😛

Ugh, seriously. I am so happy it’s all finished. We’re going to put shelves up soon and then Thorpe’s going to string his various posters and whatnot all over the walls. We’re off to B&Q tonight to look at light fittings too, because now the only lights in the house that actually work are the bedroom ones!



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