Tuesday, 24/4/12.
Oh dear, I’m rubbish at this one-entry-a-day thing aren’t I.
Worked 10 – 5pm (which is good because I thought I was working 10 – 4:45pm, and that’s a shitty shift because you only get a half hour break and they usually make me wait four hours for it. Work seven hours however, and you get a 15 and a half hour break, which are spaced out better. The technicalities of breaks, eh?)
We went to the cinema last night (I was going to write before I went and then completely forgot all about it) to see Cabin in the Woods. No spoilers here, just that it was awesome, with a different plot to your average kids-go-to-a-cabin-in-the-woods horror film but still scary enough that it made me jump on at least four separate occasions. Definitely go check it out!
Anyway, today. I went to West Winch as usual this morning and did Words and Phonics with the children. It’s basically a list of simple words (‘loud’ or ‘acorn’ for example) and the children have to say the word correctly and then also the sound the letters make in that word (so ‘ou’ in loud and the ‘a’ in acorn) and if they say them correctly they get a tick. They’re tested every few months and I did it back in December with them. There was one child who couldn’t pronounce a single word (out of 200) back then, and today he got well over 60 of them. It took an hour and a half, but considering his native language is Portuguese he’s come on leaps and bounds.
I got home and did a patch of paint on the worst wall in the second bedroom, and we’re going to check tomorrow and see if it peels away like before. We think the problem might have been that we didn’t give each coat enough time to thoroughly dry and that’s why it was flaking off so easily, because if I scratch my fingernail against the wall now after it’s been untouched for two weeks the paint doesn’t budge, so hopefully it’s just a case of leaving it longer in-between coats and filling in the areas where bits have peeled away. If that fails, the only other option is to scrape the whole lot off and re-plaster the wall, but we’d really like to avoid that if possible. Fingers crossed.
I’ve tidied the bathroom and done my ironing because Alfie comes to stay tonight for a few days, so I want the house to look at least remotely decent. I’m just wasting time now because I’m trying to avoid doing college work. Ooh, Livejournal…