Tuesday, 10/7/12.

If I never have to look at a tin of paint again I will be a happy Mel. Alas, this is not the case. I got home from the school at midday and decided I’d be productive and get the second coat of blue on the walls and it’d be all done. 

Simple, yes? Oh nooo. The second coat of paint, despite being the exact same shade (‘mineral mist‘) on the tin as the first, went on the walls at least two shades lighter. I’ve no idea why, I mixed both tins well. So anyway, I did the entire room but now there are patches showing through because the first coat was darker. Uggggh. I’m hoping one more entire coat will cover everything evenly, but that means we need to buy another £25 tin of paint and I already dread to think how much we’ve spent decorating that damn room. Sod painting. Would’ve been easier to hire a decorator. 

James’ cousin arrived from America this evening (he’s here for two weeks; turns 18 on Sunday) so we went over to see him and now James is at Dave’s so I’m taking the time to relax. 

James said something in the car earlier that bugged me. He was talking about how one of the guys at work, Ian, has had three separate jobs offers for a position that would involve him working abroad for 4-6 months at a time, but for a salary of £80k a year. Anyway, James asked how I’d feel about it if, hypothetically, he were to get offered a job working abroad for 6 months at a time. I said no, I wouldn’t be able to cope with being away from him for that long and it wouldn’t feel like a relationship and why, would you take it? He said yes. He gave me all this ‘of course it’s never going to happen but for that much money you’d never have to work again and could come out and stay with me for a month’ spiel and I just felt really insulted. I wouldn’t want to live off his money, and I certainly wouldn’t want to spend my days alone abroad while he works 8-5 shifts. It almost felt like he valued the prospect of money over our relationship and I think that’s what’s bugging me. I know it’ll never happen but just the knowledge that without a second thought he was willing to be away from me for 6 months just felt like a real kick in the teeth.

I’m getting my hair stripped and hopefully dyed tomorrow, if I have enough time before work. Here’s hoping it doesn’t end up green or some other ridiculous shade!

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