Thursday, 19/4/12.

Worked 11 – 8pm. Not too bad if I’m honest. Went fairly quickly, and I only had to do a half hour stint on self serve.

Now I’m sat at home, bloody starving, because we’ve got no food in the house* and James has gone to Dave’s rather than meet me at Tesco to do the shopping like he said he would. Terrific. Half-debated getting a chinese, but a) I’m in my pajamas, b) I spent too much money this past weekend on takeaways and c) I’m too lazy to actually go get it. So I’ll probably end up snacking on a packet of crisps and half of my leftover easter egg instead.




* We do in fact have some food, but it’s all frozen or otherwise unappealing to me. And one egg. What on earth can you cook with one egg?!

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