Sunday, 20/5/12.
My quiche turned out really well! It tastes scrummy. It took quite a bit longer than I thought to cook so next time I’ll just adjust the oven temp but other than that I’m really pleased with it. I’ve got some pastry left over so I’m planning on making a couple of smaller ones and then James can take them to work for lunch. Speaking of baking, I made lemon drizzle cake today and that was a success as well, so perhaps my baking disasters are behind me? I can hope, anyway.
I actually kicked myself into doing some college work this afternoon and I managed to get two units finished. I’ve written up exactly what I’ve got left to do, what needs printing, what needs to be handed in etc so hopefully if I stay on top of it I can complete it before the end of June.
Not a lot else to mention. I think we’re just going to watch a movie tonight and then the new series of Family Guy.