Friday, 29/6/12.

I have had a bangin’ headache for the past two days, hence no entry for yesterday. I thought it was the heat because I often wake up with headaches after a humid night and just sleep them off but it was still there throbbing away this morning like a mofo. It’s even started putting pressure on my left eye and making it droop slightly, terrific. It’s not too bad at the moment so fingers crossed it’ll be gone by tomorrow morning. Looks like we’re in for a storm tonight.

I worked 4 – 7:45pm yesterday. Spent most of the day finalising college work. Thorpe and I watched the new The Thing which was pretty good.

Today I worked 9:30 – 1:30pm, then spent this afternoon filling out an application for a teaching assistant/classroom assistant job at a special needs school. We’re going over to Dave’s for sausage casserole at 5pm and then I’ll stop in at mum’s to print a few last bits. Oh, we looked at carpets earlier too to get an idea of what will go with the light blue walls. We’re thinking grey but ehhh… idk. Won’t know for sure until the walls are painted anyway. Hopefully my uncle can get us a discount too seeing as he owns the biggest carpet shop in Lynn 😉

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