Iraq, Bin Laden and George W. Bush

Ok, well I’ve sat aside for a long, long while and pretty much kept my opinion to myself about our current situation. So here’s how I see things in the big general picture. OK the Twin Towers are taken down by Osama and the Taliban aka terrorists. Naturally as we should we retalliated and headed straight for the middle east in search of Osama and the Taliban. During this search we veered off into Iraq and decided to go ahead and take down Sadam and his entire pathetic excuse of a military, and we did so really in a matter of a couple of weeks. Yes I know we are still there and are still taking on insurgents, but those are insurgents, Sadam is in custody and his army and government is destroyed so my point is made there. We are still in search of Osama but it doesn’t seem to be our top priority, but it is on the list of things to do. Now citizens of the US are angry with Bush and his entire decision to go into Iraq and do what we did and because we are still there and it seems like nothing is really being accomplished, and their pissed obviously because Osama has STILL not been caught.
Ok that is my generalized statement of what has happened and what is going on. So now my opinion on it which I’m sure many of u will not like but I quite frankly don’t give a damn. So to all of you protesting the war, stop, stop now. Leave it be because first of all, it’s a waste of time and will accomplish nothing but piss off the other half of America and piss off most of the military, and right now the military needs ur support rather then ur criticism, secondly because it’s for most of u I would say anyways, hypocritcal considering when we first entered Iraq Bush’s support was still rather high and everyone seemed to be behind it because hey we just kicked Sadam’s ass and made it look easy, go USA right, but now that reality has kicked in a bit and people see that u can’t just go in and fuck up a country and then leave it to further die, well everyone seems to be a bit pissed and totally against the war.
Now, were there any bombs of massive what the fuck ever in Iraq? Ok maybe not, but does that really matter? Considering we have tried before to take Sadam down before in Desert Storm and shit and backed out, I think it only right to come back and finish the job. Personally I don’t even find it right for us to be all laid back in our cozy land of the free while leaders like Sadam terrorize their people and they starve, and die miserably for nothing. I call that inhumane, and I’m not talking about Sadam, I think u know who I mean. I think most people that protest only do it to do it and it’s stupid. Also personally I don’t know about any of u, but I dn’t even remotely like the idea of a country like Iraq, North Korea, or Iran having the ability to build bombs of massive destruction and at the same time hating our guts. Yea that just doesn’t mix well does it? So I am all for going in and putting a hault to it no matter where it is. Is it bullying? Maybe if u choose to <a onmouseover="window.status='Search for: look at'; if(self.ql_keyphrase != 'look_at') ql_closeiframe(); self.ql_keyphrase='look_at'; if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); if(window.event) self.ql_sevent=window.event.srcElement; self.ql_isOverLink=true; self.ql_isOverTip=false; ql_doMouseOver(1); self.ql_timeout = setTimeout('ql_showDiv()', 1500); return true;" ="window.status='Searching for: look at…’; if(self.ql_clickPhrase == ‘look_at’) { return false; }self.ql_clickPhrase =’look_at’; self.ql_clearClickTimeout = setTimeout(‘ql_clearClickPhrase()’, 10000); self.ql_keyphrase=’look_at’; if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); self.ql_isOverTip = false; ql_closeiframe();var el = self.document.getElementById(‘ql_div_look_at’); if(el) { var now = new Date(); now = now.getTime(); var time = (now-el.createTime); if(time>=3000) { return true; } else { self.ql_clickTimeout = setTimeout(‘ql_goSeach()’, ((2500+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000-time)))); return false; } } return true;” onmouseout=”window.status=’Search for: look at’; self.ql_isOverTip = false; if(self.ql_timeout) clearTimeout(self.ql_timeout); setTimeout(‘ql_closeiframe()’, 1500);” href=””&gt;look at it like that… Really I don’t see it to be a problem that the US should be the only country with weopons of mass destruction because we are not a country who hates anybody else, and we are not a country who plans on using them to harm another country out of jealousy and sheer hatred. Am I saying that basically the US is the parents and everybody else are the children and needs to be supervised? Yea I am, and I don’t see how anyone else could have a proble with that… Unless u want to World War 3 to happen anytime soon. Yea I didn’t think so.
Hell I don’t see how u cannot praise Bush and the military for so easily taking control of Iraq when we couldn;t even come close back in the early 90’s… Hell it’s a feat and it set an example for the rest of the world and it’s dictators that they are not in control of shit and that they cannot just torture their people because they appointed themselves leaders. Who the fuck do THEY think they are? They ar so pissed at us and for what? Because we have freedom? Because we interfere in their business, or the acts of evil really…? They are like little punks who are childishly angry because they arn’t allowed to bully the other kids on the playground aymore. I’ve always hated bullies myself and I don’t see the US as a bully but rather a bully exterminator, yea that’s right. And it seems to me like so far we’ve done a damn good job.
If ya really wanna know what i think of the protestors in our country of the war, goin around bitchin and cryin, well I fell we should take them all and throw them on the front lines in Iraq and let them see first hand the shit their soldiers are dealing with every fucking day, but what’s worse what the citizens of Iraq have been dealing with their entire fucking lives, and right now it wouldn’t even be a glimpse of what it was like when we weren’t there and Sadam was still runnin shit.
Now on Bin Laden, well we haven’t caught him yet but that doesn’t mean we won’t, it is an inevitibility, he will be caught and he will be brought to justice whether it be by the battlefield rules of justice, or the government rules, either way he’ll pay. So shut up, stop whining because it’s gonna happen. trust me I’m just as pissed as u are about not catching him yet but shit happens and we’re in his territory not ours so he can hide easily.
Bush is a good man and a good president. He has his faults, mostly with the economy, but as commander and chief of the US military, well I’d follow him into war anywhere and anytime. If it were Clinton or Kerry or hell even Gore in charge right now and back when the towers fell, hell I doubt we’d have even left our own shores. Pussies, but u didn’t hear me say that.
I’m finished with my lecture and shall say no more.

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May 5, 2006

“Hell I don’t see how u cannot praise Bush and the military for so easily taking control of Iraq” NEWSFLASH: Nobody’s in control in Iraq. Not the US army, not the government, not the terrorists and certainly not the population. That’s why they call it a war.

May 5, 2006

NEWSFLASH!!! First of all the war isn’t just about Iraq, it’s called “The War on Terrorism”, this war involves terrorists from any country including the homefront, and secondly, Iraq is in control and I’ll say it time and time again because I know this, I know far too many soldiers who have been there and back and seen the shit for themselves…..

May 5, 2006

Civililians only see and know what the biased drive-by media allows them to see and know. And it BS. Iraq is in more control then NYC itself and that is the truth. When an insurgent dies in Iraq 5 civilians in NYC die from murders and bank robberies and rape and everything else. I’m too tired to fool with this right now I’ll be back later

June 17, 2006

Dude, stop stealing my rhetorics. Aristotle would have you for that. And Saddam Hussein might have been a bastard, but he wasn’t the one who sent the planes into the WTC. Even the Bush-administration has admitted that they made that up. Oh, and, just a wild guess, “biased drive-by media”? If Iraq is under controll, how come the US army is still in there?