
:from TheBattlingBard

1. First of all, what do you prefer to be called?:

Truthfully, not Gizmo. It’s the oddest thing ever when the BFF introduces me to people and I’m like ‘or you ya Jennifer works too, but she forgets I have a real name’. And then the BFF looks over at me and shrugs with that little sly grin on her face like.

2. What is your favorite form of creative expression?:

I write. Not as much as I should/want to, but I write. Let’s see I had this little blip written about writing but now I can’t figure out if it’s on paper or the computer. One of these days I’m going to have to put everything in one spot.

3. How do you like your coffee OR if you don’t like it, why?:

Black. Once you go black you never go back. Or so I told the little boy at Starbucks. And then I followed it up with pointing at the magnum condom wrapper on the ground asking ‘unless that’s yours, then I may be considered adding a little a cream.’

4. What is the least desirable thing, in your opinion, to put on a pizza that you have heard of people actually eating?:

Uhm. It still makes me queasy to see ranch dressing on pizza. In North Carolina the pizza in the school cafeteria was so horrible that everyone put ranch on it to drown out the cardboard plastic-y taste. Ugh. So really it’s not the ranch, but the horrible memories of how that pizza tasted.

5. Would you rather witness the beginning or the end of the universe?:

Can I bring a video camera? The beginning. It’s up to such debate, and really no one knows what that spark was to get it all going. So I’m curious.


6. Describe your favourite pair of socks:

Hm. Let’s see. I have this X-Mas pair of toe socks. Those are kinda neat. Otherwise all my socks are either white, black, or grey and just standard boring socks.


7. What is the current or last song you are listening/listened to, and does it have any special significance to you?:

I have ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ stuck in my head. Makes me wish my guitar wasn’t with my father so I could play it.


8. Do you prefer rainbows or stars?:

Stars. Dur.


9. Describe the best day of your life NOT in terms of events, but in terms of your feelings:

Oh Wow. Feelings. I has those? Okay. I think it was XMas eve. The guys from work and I all ended up at Quaker State at the bar there. I just sat there in the moment realizing that I was so lucky to have all these bad ass grungy biker type guys in my life. They became my family. Closer than my blood family. And in that moment I felt totally accepted. I earned their trust and respect on my own. And I never felt safer. Which is saying something because I generally hate being in groups, and hate drinking with just a bunch of grungy guys around me.

 10. Would you rather go to a planetarium or an aquarium?

Both. And a zoo too. All together.

11. Do you know the reason that 11:11 is considered to be auspicious?:

It’s Ellen’s record company.


12. What decorations are hanging on your walls?:

In my room? X-Files stuff, HP stuff, pictures I took, pictures of Eliza Dushku, Aly Hannigan, the Kiss poster. Bathroom is Ansel Adams prints.

13. What is your favourite planet in our solar system?:

I’m rather fond of Mars.


14. How do you express love?:



15. Do you consider yourself to be more spiritual or scientific?:

Scientific for ya know science stuff. But I’m getting better at allowing myself to feel a more spiritual connection to the Earth and such.

16. If you had a lava lamp, what color would you want it to be?:

I think the one I had was purple. Green would be awesome.

17. Would you rather be able to revisit your past to simply re-experience a positive moment or revisit your past in order to change things and risk the consequences?:

Neither. I don’t see the point. The past in the past. It’s back there for a reason. I used to wish I could go back and not ever move from Connecticut before my junior year. But why think about it? I can’t do it, I can’t change it. So…

18. Have you ever had a past-life regression or memory?:

How about tingles? Vague half formed memories/feelings of things that have happened prior and couldn’t possibly be this life.

 19. What is your favourite holiday and why?:

None. Seriously, I don’t see the point in holidays either. Why force people do buy gifts for each other, or be nice to each other?

20. Are you better with remembering dates or names?:

Probably names. I’m rubbish at remembering what happened when unless I sit and shift through everything in my mind. Takes forever.

21. What was your favourite book that you had to read for a class?:

Crap. I don’t know what books I’ve read for class or for myself. A Separate Peace I guess.

22. What is your favourite number and why is it significant to you?:

13. Only because of X-Files.

23. Would you rather explore space or ocean?:

Space bitches!

24. What prompted you to call the last person you called?:

I… huh who did I call last? Well I texted the BFF last. That counts yes? She was complaining about someone and I was cheering her up.

25. Star Trek or Star Wars?:

Star Trek. Always.

 26. Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter?:

Harry Potter. Always.

 27. What is your favourite band and why?:

I don’t really have one. I used to say Something Corporate, but that’s not really true anymore.

 28. What colour best resonates with your closest friend(s)?:

Friends. Colour. Color. What?

29. Where do you work and why do you work there?:

I work no where. Why? Because my father got me laid off/fired and I can’t find another job.

30. Have you ever gone to a public karaoke facility, and what did you sing?

No. It’s actually a scary terrifying thought. So much so that the BFF used it as a bet to get me to do something, knowing that I would do everything and anything in my power to not have to do it.

31. What animal do you feel most connected with?:


32. Have you ever had "special brownies" or any other kind of "special" treat?:

I tried to make a tea thing once. Didn’t work.


33. What book are you reading at the moment?:

Alpha Rising. It’s a sci-fi I got for free on the kindle.

34. What is the funniest thing that you have done at a fast food restaurant?:

OH!!! Father and I were coming home from the races, so it was about 11 or so. McDonald’s is like the only place open. We get in line and the guy in front of us ordering is all ‘Double Cheesburger, no burger, extra lettuce.’ Wait what? Yes, a double cheeseburger no burger. The employee was as confused as us and kept getting the guy to repeat it. Finally the guy yelled ‘NO MEAT!’ So when father and I get up there we’re all ‘I’d like ten Big Macs, without the burger please.’ The poor employee actually squeaked. It was more funny when you’re dead exhausted, probably high with the munchies, and there’s this guy ordering cheeseburgers without the burger.

35. Do you enjoy listening to music that is sung in another language?:

Doesn’t bother me.

36. Quote the last movie you watched:

" Indeed, sir. Madam admires your butt. I’m most delighted for you."

37. Do you know more than just your sun sign (like your ascending sign or moon sign etc.)?:

Sun sign – Leo. Ascending sign- Leo.  Moon sign – Libra.

38. Do you have any jewelery on you that holds significance, and if so, what is it and why is it significant?:


39. What is your favorite kind of cheesecake?:

Mmm. I love all cheesecake. No, wait, I love real cheesecake. Not that mushy fake crappy stuff with no graham cracker crust and it’s more like mushy pudding.

40. Why did you last feel warm and fuzzy inside?:

I let my fingers do the walking.

42. What band that IS still together do you wish would perform in your area?:

Don’t really care. I don’t go to concerts. Crowds are not fun.

44. What has been the single most frightening experience of your life?:

Getting stuck under water. At the beach and the waves were killer. Got out the boards, were riding them in. Ending up knocked head over ass by a huge wave that came from no where. Tried to get up, but the waves were too strong and too close together now. Kept getting slammed back into the sand every few seconds. I had enough time to get my head out of the water, get some air, before I was slammed back down. Finally managed to crawl/swim back into the ocean instead of the shore line enough that I could get to my feet.

45. Who is/was your favourite Spice Girl?:

Uhm? I… what?

46. Do you prefer free verse or poetry set in a form?:

I don’t think the form matters, but the words.

47. In a hotel, would you choose to go in the hot tub, the sauna, the workout room, or the pool?:

Well… who’s there with me. And why not all of them? Go workout first, then into the sauna, then the pool, and finally hot tub!

48. Imagine that you are exploring space. Who would you want with you and what would you want to explore, assuming you are not limited in any way?:

Capt. Kirk, Spock, the Enterprise, and Demon and the BFF.


49. Have you ever astral projected?:

I don’t know. Have I?

50. What is your favourite song by the group t.A.T.u?:

I remember the music video of them kissing in the rain in school girls uniforms. So that one.

51. Describe what you envision as "paradise":

Being able to live out my fantasies and dreams.

52. What element do you feel most connected to?:


53. What is a cause that you feel very strongly about and why?:

Children or animals. They both sit equally with me.

54. What was your favourite class from the last year that you were in school?:

My last year in high school, last year I was a high school student but in college, or my last year in college?
In high school- Guitar
High school/college- Psychology
College- Biology

55. What is a topic that you study independently for your own interest?:

Most of my knowledge comes from independent study.

56. Describe what you would want to wear if you were getting married, handfasted, or having some kind of "love celebration" or "commitment" ceremony between yourself and another.:

I have never actually thought about it. I don’t know. I guess it would depend on where the location was, and who was there, and what my partner wanted. I never dreamed of a wedding even as a little girl so…

57. What song do you want played at your funeral?:

Marriage and then my funeral. Are you implying that marriage is a funeral? Because if so I agree. And do people even play songs at funerals? The few I’ve been to there haven’t been songs.

58. Would you rather alphabetize or put things in order according to numbers?:

If I did it with numbers then wouldn’t I have to assign letters numbers? So wouldn’t it still be alphabetized anyway regardless of the number?

59. What medication do you dislike the most?:

Any. I hate taking medication.

60. Would you rather write a story or a poem?:

I’m better with stories. Poems and I don’t get along well.

61. Do you believe in non-physical entities, and if so have you ever communicated with one?:

Uh, is this going to be submitted to my pdoc? No? Okay, then yes yes I do.

62. What invention or discovery do you think that the scientific community should focus on?:

Space. Figuring out faster than light travel.

63. If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?:

Seattle. ‘Cause I think I’d like to live there, but gotta check first. Or England.

64. What skill do people often compliment you on?:

My tongue? No… not that way you pervs! (Hehe). I’m a sarcastic bitch, so the barbed tongue.

65. What are three facets of your personality or thinking patterns that you want to improve?:

I’m constantly living in my head. Too insecure. Too set in my ways.

66. What is your favourite symbol?:

Triquetra. I have it tattooed on my left wrist.

67. Name an unusual shortcut or file that’s on your desktop:

Don’t have any.

68. What do you smell like right now?:

Cigarettes, coffee, sweat, sleep, and me. I just got up, leave me be. After a shower it would be pomegrantes, coconut, and aloe.

69. You get to have a theme party of your choice, just for fun. What theme do you choose?:</


Medieval/ancient greek theme. Amour and swords and shit.

70. Have you ever been in the depths of a cave?:

No. Wait. Yes. Stone Bridges and Caves.

71. How do you deal with the dark side of yourself?:

I write. Or I talk to myself late at night.

72. Name something that you can’t help but save:


73. What is your addiction?:


74. If you could wish something for three people, but not for yourself, who would the wishes be for and what would they be?:

1. I wish you would stop acting the way you do at times, it worries me.

2. I wish you all the happiness in the world, even if I’m not the one to give it to you.

3. I wish you would get your head out of your ass.

75. Would you rather send a message in a bottle or on a balloon?:

Bottle. Dude, that would fucking rock. Maybe I’ll do that one day. Write a long letter to myself/or whoever, getting out all my feelings, and then pop it in a bottle and toss it into the ocean.

76. What did you dream last night?:

Not good things. Let’s leave it there.

77. What is one of your most frequent daydreams?:

I’m always daydreaming. Constantly. Like I said, I live in my head. So, they vary.

78. What is your favourite stuffed animal?:

Spotty. The old dalmation stuffed doggy that I’ve had since I was like 3.

79. If you could have a conversation with any well-known figure of the past, who would it be with and what about?

King Arthur. I’d ask to be knighted.

80. If you could bring anyone back to life, who would it be?:
I wouldn’t. Too many variables.

81. Are you affectionate?:
To people I trust. Otherwise, don’t fucking touch me!

 82. Name some things each of your closest friends are really good at:
Being an asshole, being a mother, being smart, being a go-getter.

83. What are you a perfectionist with?:
Hmm… probably nothing. I get bored too easily.

84. Could you see yourself being able to carry on a long distance relationship?:

I’ve done it in the past. It’s not ideal, and I would prefer like within 30 minute drive, but I wouldn’t say no right away.

85. If you could be anything but human, what would you be?:
Uh. A superhero.

86. Have you ever meditated? If so, what is your method, and if not, what do you do to relax?:
Different ways. For what I guess would be more classic meditation I turn on the ocean sound thing from the alarm clock, sit or lay down so I’m comfy, and then I concentrate on simply breathing, drawing in the energy of the Earth up through the ground and into me.

87. What is something about yourself that you feel no one else understands?:
What goes on inside my head. Partly of course my fault since I don’t like to talk about it, fear of what it all means I guess. But when people I’ve come to trust just laugh when they find out that I’m bipolar and tell me I am not… ugh it’s all I can do to not scream at them. You have no idea what it’s like in my head, with those racing thoughts, the crazy thoughts, the dark ones, the happy ones, the scared ones. All going at the same exact time some days. Jumping from super happy to super depressed in moments. Not being able to trust yourself, you’re own thoughts and emotions. Am I really happy, or am I manic? Am I sad because something happened, or am I depressed? What am I? I never know. I never know if what I’m feeling is a justified feeling or if it’s blown out of proportion. I can’t ever tell if what I want is real or not. It’s like living inside a dream constantly with no way to wake up.
And there’s never anyone to talk to about it, no way to express it, because no one really understands.
Kinda sucks. But whatever right?

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September 24, 2011

You know, I wonder how many people will put drowning/almost drowning as most terrifying experience lol