
Why the hell am I awake? Ugh. Oh well it’s the weekend now. I have a bunch of shit to get done though. Grocery shopping, find decent shirts to wear to work, buying the new Harry Potter movie. A lot of laundry, cleaning. And trying to relax.

Work is going well. I’m blowing through the training like a fucking awesome ninja. That’s more or less a quote too from CT. Or was it DT? Doesn’t matter either way someone called me an awesome ninja. I slacked a bit today. I’m kinda pissed I didn’t get a pass on my first shot. Oh well. It was Friday. I’m bang it out on Monday. Or I’ll get the results of my last set on Monday and see how horrible or awesome I did. I’m still way ahead of schedule, and getting mostly everything right away so it’s all good. I keep asking questions, which shock I know. Me? Talking? Asking for help? I know it’s crazy. But this is something you have to ask about otherwise one little thing can reject the whole thing. Not good.

Oh, and I’m being purposely vague because the first rule, is you don’t talk about it. It’s insane. The place is like being in high school all over again. Little cliques, giant crowds for lunch, and I’m stuck either in the detention/ISS room. Or maybe it’s the ‘you’re so stupid you need special help, but you have no real problems, so we’re shoving you in here with some other kids to keep you quiet’ type room. The trainers are all peppy and talkative. Everyone just kind of talks to each other while working. You can wear headphones all day.

There’s people just totally zoned out in the actual work area with headphones on, bouncing to music. I’m surprised it’s not a one ear bud only rule, because so many times someone asks someone and you have to tap them so they pay attention. It’s very laid back and everyone seems to more or less enjoy being there.

My poor mother has been going crazy being home alone all day this week. Now she knows how I felt for those months. It sucks. More so since we still haven’t gotten totally comfortable yet in the apartment. It’s fine when someone else is here. But alone it’s just… quiet inside but noisy outside. There’s always sounds from either upstairs, or outside. You never know if maintanence is going to show up randomly. Or the bug buy. I think I’m supposed to drive her to apply for some jobs. Not sure how well any of that will work out. We really need to get another vehicle. I keep saying just let me get a motorcycle. That would be frackin’ awesome.

Oi. I should get my ass to bed. Sleep. Sleepy sleep.

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