
This was day three of the new job.

I already got a cute little certificate that says I completed the first part (obviously it says what the first part actually is, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say what it actually is, because of the huge giant confidential papers and shit that I had to sign (side note: it’s kinda like fight club. the first rule, don’t talk about it)). I’m moving a lot faster than the average, and I’m hoping/setting my goal at  completing it (training) in 7-8 weeks. The best was 8-9 weeks. The average is 18 weeks. If you do exceptionally well, you get a little trophy thing. I want the trophy thing.

Seriously though, the TM was all, "I’m so sorry I keep having to hold you back. I know you’re done before everyone, but I want to go over it as a group. I’m so sorry." I replied, "it’s okay, I’m kinda used to it." And cue sheepish yet cocky smile. Yeah, I’m a genius, bask is the glow of my awesome ness.

I managed to eat two crackers and a chug a bottle of water during lunch. I’m going to have to actually learn how to eat lunch. Normally by the time lunch rolls around I’m not hungry anymore, but after lunch I’m hungry, and then by second break I’m not hungry anymore. I’m too used to just nibbling on whatever during the day at all times. I don’t like to eat meals, I rather snack. A lot of food at one time makes my stomach kind of queasy, and a really large meal makes me feel really sick. I suppose just eat a snack at first break, lunch, and second break.

Work is actually fun though. More fun than what I’ve been doing. I’ve been so starved for human contact that this is a dream. Lots of people, three people that started the day I did so we have our own little clique going on, it’s awesome. I’ve been needed to talk to real people. I’m also so damn awesome that I’m acing everything in trainer, ten times faster than the other three, so like I’m awesome.

So exhausted though. I miss my afternoon naps. And I haven’t gotten a chance to buy the new Harry Potter movie, makes me sad. It’s going to take a while to adjust the differences in everything. Going to bed early, getting up early.

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November 16, 2011

YAY human interaction! LOL