
Let’s see, so much going on, don’t know where to start.

Father is here.
Good and bad points of both.

Father Bits

-Last week my father showed up.
-Instead of just saying he was here he sends a picture of his truck in my grandparents driveway. Letting me infer that he’s here. It drives me crazy that he has no ability to communicate even the simplest thing.
-He was here most of last weekend.
-Went on the motorcycle with him on Saturday to see Demon and his new office.
-Sunday he came back over again and watched the race.
-I think he was here on Monday/Tuesday too.
-Thursday Mom and I picked him up and then drove to Kissimmee (Orlando area). The hotel we always stay at was going a 11/11/ special where pay standard rate for one night get the second night for $11. So we ended up paying $60 for two nights, instead of the normal $90.
-Friday we went to Gatorland. Never been before. Had the $9.99 Florida resident rate which was more than 50% off the normal rate.
-Friday night went to Old Town and wandered around a bit.
-Left Saturday morning. Dropped him off at his parents place, went home. Crashed and slept most of the rest of the day.

Work Bits

-About a half hour before my father first got here on Thursday night? Or was it Friday night? Either way half hour or so before he got here I got a call from a local number I didn’t recognize. Mom told me to answer it, since I rarely answer the phone unless I know who is calling. Picked up. I nearly hung up. The lady on the phone said the company name, and I fully admit I thought it was a telemarketer trying to sell me something. Luckily I managed to hang in there to hear her say it was about the application I submitted. Got the details of it all. I had no idea what job it actually was for though. I played along like I knew what she was talking though. I’ve put in so many applications that I can’t keep them straight. I thought it was a clerical, basic office job during off hours, like overnight.
-Spend most of the weekend in between father-time reading up on the company. Found some good things, found some bad.
-Monday went in for the interview dressed all nice. They said professional business attire. I was very professional. Nice black suit with a deep red button down shirt, with a bit of lacy sleeve and collar visible. Had a copy of my resume too. Which came in handy since he was going to print a copy from my email, but I told him I brought one. He was pleased. Took three tests, yes actual tests. A skill/work something test, like those stupid tests everyone has now with online applications. Like ‘do you enjoy working in large groups?’, yes/no/maybe. Then an IQ test. Yes, an IQ test. I always joked those should be part of the job application, since idiots are annoying. I felt confident enough with it, I know my lowest score is around 120, which is mildly gifted; highest is about 150 which is highly gifted. I have no trouble with my intelligence, so that was easy enough. Except for the math bits. I suck at doing math in my head. And then there was a direction taking test. Like ‘write your first and last name on the left margin of the paper. circle your last name twice, first name once.’
-Wednesday night I got a call from the receptionist lady who said she only got ahold of Demon for a reference, the one boss I put down said to call the HR department, and the other the phone is disconnected. Asked if I had any one else I could put down. I used Tweedle-Dumb since I had his number, and then told the lady that  my father was the general manager, so if it’s not a conflict of interest here’s his number. She said she’d try it. She did call my father, he praised me up and down. So did Demon by the way. He was awesome. Told her all sorts of great things about me. I’m going to have to buy him a cupcake for thanks.
-Friday as we were just entering the gift shop/exit of Gatorland I get a call from the company. Lady said we’d like you to hire you! Sweet. Start Monday. Go in, fill out the new hire paperwork, then go for a drug screening (which by the way is the first time I’ve taken one that I know for sure I’ll pass, no question at all. It’s kinda nice being sober). And then go back in to start training. I wonder if they do the quick test that you can buy at the drug stores. The at-home ones, where it’s like a 5 minute wait and the dip stick changes color.

Issue Bits

-First off I’m pissed I’m going to fail Nano again. Every single year I start off strong, and then something happens mid-November that causes me to fail. Last year it was the medication that killed my creative drive, and the funeral. This year it’s my father and a job. I’m hoping I can manage to catch up my word count today (I’m wicked behind now), and then it should only take an hour or so each night to keep the count up. I get out of work at 5:30 home by 6, so maybe I can do it. I hope so.
-My father still pisses me off something fierce. He’s worse now. He’s admitted he doesn’t care about anyone, or hurting anyone’s feelings. He snaps and/or takes offense to anything and everything I or my mother says. I could say ‘brr, it’s chilly out’ because hello it was 50 degrees when we woke up. And he’ll go off on a tirade. I mentioned I was sad that I probably wouldn’t finish Nano, he mock cried and made snotty comments. He’s constantly rude, constantly swearing about nothing, drives far too aggressively for no reason at all, and drinks like a fish now. He never used to really drink. Rarely. Now it’s all he can say, it’s always ‘lets have a drink.’ or ‘I’m thirsty, don’t you have anything worth drinking in this house?’ No, father I don’t. I don’t drink. I had a 6-pack of seasonal pumpkin spice beer that I bought a month ago, there’s three left. I don’t enjoy being tipsy just because. Ugh. One day he’s going to push me too far and I’m going to end up hitting him. I don’t want to, because he still is my father, but there’s only so much verbal and emotional abuse I’m going to take.
-I haven’t worked in a long long time. I’m nervous about it. I’m bad in new situations, and generally stutter and/or babble. It’s horrible. Seriously, the BFF knows this and will purposely get me worked up just to giggle at me when I stutter and babble. She thinks it’s cute. I don’t think anyone else will find it cute.
-Hours are 8:30-5:30. Means I have to get up at 6:30 because it takes two hours for me to be coherent enough to function well. I’m a grumpy grumpy bear for the first half hour, and still kinda cloudy and out of it for another hour at least. Going to have to leave a little after 8 to get there on time. So, yeah not going to enjoy getting up that early.

Good Bits

-I should be making enough money to cover all of the bills, gas for the car, and cigarettes. Which means we won’t have any left over money, but we’ll at least manage to survive. Mom can now take any job she wants. Whatever she ends up making is extra ‘fun’ money. Money we haven’t really had since this whole mess started months ago.
-It’ll be nice to have the money to buy a new computer, since my laptop is really nothing more than a desktop now, and Mom’s desktop is so old and outdated it’s more or less a giantpaper weight. Dad brought the new monitor with him, and we have a USB mouse and keyboard. I can easily set up this laptop as a nice desktop for Mom. And then buy a cheap netbook for myself.
-Most of the job looks like it’s all females. A girlfriend/cuddle buddy/FWB would be nice. Nothing serious serious, just someone to go out with from time to time, watch movies with on the couch and cuddle. I’m so touch deprived it’s crazy. I need hugs and cuddles. It’s kinda pathetic. I feel like a whipped beaten puppy that is afraid to let the nice human pet them but wants it so bad it’s almost willing to take the risk. Only like the puppy, there’s a fear I’ll bite the nice hand out of fear. So, yeah. But still even just having some normal no sexual at all friends would be nice.
-I checked and I should be eligible for a Pell Grant, and then I’ll be able to go back to school next Fall. I’ve never been able to get financial aid (aside from student loans that I’d have to pay back) before. Now since I don’t live with my father, and my mother and I make bare minimum I’ll be able to get it. I’m still wondering what to do, still thinking about Biology for the Science/Biology teacher degree. But we’ll see. I have plenty of time to figure it out before it happens.

I think that’s everything. If not, oh well, I’ll get to it eventually.

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