
Lots of survey questions because I had nothing better to do, and didn’t feel like writing a real entry.

1. What is your favorite writing style, if any?
I don’t have a preference. As long as it’s good writing, the style doesn’t matter.

2. Do you prefer thought-provoking questions or general questions on surveys?
Depends on my mood.

3. When was the hardest time in your life? What made it so hard and how did you overcome it?
Sophomore year of high school. Coming out, getting dumped, moving, it all sucked hard. Had a teacher who talked me through it.

4. How do you relieve stress?
Sleep. Watching Xena.

5. What is your social networking site you use most, if any?
The only one I use is Facebook, so… Facebook.

6. When you die do you want to have a funeral service? Why or why not?
My body is being donated to science. No, seriously it is. So I suppose everyone will just have to have a memorial party thing. With lots of beer and laughter.

7. Is there anything standing between you and complete happiness?
Yeah, a little thing called Life.

8. What illegal drugs have you tried? Describe how you feel when you take each. If you haven’t tried any, would you ever want to?
Weed. Coke. Weed all depends on the kind it is. Sometimes hungry, sometimes giggly, sometime like my limbs are a million pounds. Coke is non-stop talking, excited, antsy, twitchy. Never again.

9. What book that you’ve read has the best quotes in it?
Mmm. Probably Harry Potter has the most quotable lines I would say.

10. What is your opinion on capital punishment?
I say it depends on the crime, and the evidence, and what is going to be gained and/or lost by it. Too many variables to say one way or another.

11. What period of history was your favorite to learn about? If you don’t like history, what is your favorite thing to learn about?
I liked Ancient Greece/Rome. Maybe that’s like I dig Xena so much.

12. Where is your favorite fast food restaurant and what do you order when you go there?
Huh. Well… I dunno. I go to Arby’s the most often and get a beef n’ cheddar and curly fries. 

13. Do you daydream, if so what do you daydream about most?
Life. The future. The past.

14. Is there anything about yourself that you’re ashamed of?
Not really. I am who I am. Why be ashamed about something I can’t change, and if I can change it why not change it so I’m not ashamed?

15. Are there any words that you sound ugly or funny to you?
At times. Shorter words, like fork, sometimes makes me giggle.

16. How old were you when you got your ears pierced? If you don’t have your ears pierced, why not?
I think I has ten or so the first time I got my ears pierced. Then again when I was 13 maybe. I gave up since they always got infected and the holes closed up nearly instantly.

17. What do you think about smoking in public places?
I smoke in public places if there isn’t a sign. And sit/stand away from people, blowing the smoke away from a crowd. I try to be as nice about it as I can.

18. If you could make one law or remove one, what would you make/remove?
I would legalize gay marriage everywhere.

19. What do you think your life would be like if there were never any television or internet?
Boring. And scary. I mean think about it, no communication with the rest of the world besides a phone? Freaky.

20. What’s something that people on xanga may know about you that people in your life do not?
What’s a xanga?

1. Why did you stop liking the last person you liked?:
Last person? That would be… ah I remember. Uhm, she stopped talking to me. So I said ‘fuck you then’.

2. If you were dating someone seriously for a long time and were considering marriage, would them not wanting kids (or wanting kids; if you don’t want them) be a deal-breaker?:
I don’t think so. I mean it would be an issue. But if I was seriously considering a lifetime commitment with said person I would like to think we could work the issue out.

3. If someone cheated on you, would you give them a second chance?:
Depends on why and how they cheated. But honestly, I’d probably say I’m giving them a second chance and then fuck them over later. I’m not that nice when my feelings get hurt.

5. Are most of your friends virgins?:
Ha, yeah right. No.

6. Could you date someone who was a different religion than you? What about be just friends with someone of a different religion?:
Of course. Providing they don’t attempt to get me to convert to their religion.

7. Do you enjoy sexist and racist jokes?:
Providing they don’t overstep. My father was the king of getting drunk and telling jokes. Never really ever funny, and sometimes he way overstepped and went from joke territory to ‘what the hell did you just say?’ territory.

8. What about dirty jokes?:
Sure, I suppose.

9. Could you date someone with a kid?:
Been there, done that. I would prefer not to again, but I won’t say no totally.

10. Do you respond to texts that just say "lol" or "haha" or just a smiley? Why or why not?:
Most of the time no. It means they don’t really have much to say about whatever was said.

11. Do you think you’re easy to talk to? Are you a better talker or listener?:
I’m a better listener. Though I’m shit when it comes to advice. I’m too logical and am crappy at having empathy. I get weirded out over serious conversations. And I really dislike being the one talking about serious things.

12. Who was the last person you were "in a relationship with" on Facebook (including anyone you may have put "in a relationship with" for a joke)?:
Probably Kris, as a joke. Years and years ago.

13. Do you think a relationship with a 16-year-old girl and a 35-year-old man would work out? Do you think age differences like that (when they’re under 18) should be legal?:
I have to question what a 35 year old would want with a 16 year old regardless of either gender. I remember how I was at 16. Not a good idea. Nope.

14. What’s one job you would HATE to have?:
Hooker, stripper, stuff like that. Not for me. Unless I was some high priced lesbian only hooker. That might be interesting. Or many I’ve watched Pretty Woman one too many times.

15. Be honest. When you hear someone wants to be an artist or musician, do you automatically think "Oh gawd, they’re going to fail and be a loser forever…"?:
Not at all. I think it’s a valid career choice providing the person is actually good at it.

16. When you write, what do you usually write about?:
Struggles. Trust. Life.

17. Were you ever "the other man/woman"? How did it turn out? How do you feel about it today?:
It was bad. Though he knew about it, I still felt shitty for him. Mainly ’cause she’s such a bitch that I wish he would find someone who’s better. Yes, I know that’s odd, but I really liked him as a person better than her.

18. Have you ever cheated? What have you learned from it?:
My first response was no. But then I realized yeah, I probably did. I don’t know if I learned anything from it since it was an odd situation to being with.

19. What do you think of open relationships? If your partner suggested it, what would you say?:
I would say hell no. I’m not good at sharing. If I don’t fulfill you in all the ways you need, don’t be with me.

20. If you had a girl right now, what would you name her (full name)? What about a boy?:
Girl would be Lena Evelyn. Boy would be Xavier Audley. And I have good valid reasons for both. Yay me.

22. Are you a party animal? Why or why not?:
Not really. I mean I used to be at times, but not anymore.

23. Do opposites truly attract, or would you rather date someone more similar to you than different?:
I think there needs to be some kind of opposite-ness. Gotta blend the two together kinda. I’d want someone who has similar interests as me, but who pushes me to do things that my be slightly out of my comfort zone, and who I do the same.

24. Could you date someone with no job, no car, and no goals?:
No job and no car I could deal with if there were valid reasons. No goals is a hell no. You have to have some kind of goals.

25. Would you ever date out of your race?:
I have, and I would again. Doesn’t bother me.

26. When you have old clothes/whatever that you don’t want anymore, what do you do with it?:

27. Do you still have a landline, or does everyone in your family just use cellphones?:
We have both. The family plan only has 750 minutes a month, so for longer conversations we use the landline since it’s part of the cable and internet package.

28. Are you religious?:
I would say I’m more spiritual than religious.

29. Do you like the "guys/girls you can’t have" or would you rather have someone up front, honest, and good for you?:
I’m more attracted to the girls I can’t have because this way I know I can’t have them and it’s okay to feel things for them. I know they don’t feel like same/wont feel the same, and in turn means I can never get hurt by them.

30. Are any of your clocks set in the 24-hour (sometimes called "army time") format? Do you know what 18:08 would be in "regular" time?:
Mine are all on a 12 hour format but I can quickly figure out the 24 hour time if I had to.

31. What are five personality traits that would make you instantly not want to be with someone romantically?:
Stupid. Controlling. Argumentative. Whiner. Needy.

32. What about five traits that would immediately catch your attention?:
Intelligence. Confidence. Friendliness. Calm. Warm.

33. Ever had a relationship last under a week? Do you even count those as relationships?:
They don’t count.

34. Do you celebrate "month-a-versaries" or do you just do it yearly?:
Never gotten more than 3/4 months so… no.

35. Is it okay to fool around when you’re single?:
If you want to.

36. If you’re single, do you still mess around?:
I don’t mess around. Not in my nature really.

37. What does your work uniform look like?:
Don’t have one.

38. What’s the oldest age someone should be living at home at (if they’re NOT going to school or because they moved back in due to a divorce/lost their house/or another tragedy)?:
It depends on the situation. I mean if you’re a well paid 40 year old living with your perfectly healthy and active parents because you’re too cheap to pay bills and want your mommy to cook for you, then that’s a problem. If you’re an underpaid 40 year old who wouldn’t be able to pay your own bills on your job, and/of your parents are a bit sickly than that would be alright I guess.

39. Is there anyone you know who hasn’t changed much (personality-wise; not maturity-wise) since middle school?:
I don’t know anyone from middle school these days. So, hell if I know.

40. Are you attending college after high school? Which one? If not, whatcha gon’ do?:
I did. I kinda am. Took another semester off. I’ll be back in the Spring. Gives me time to figure out what the hell I’m doing.

41. What curse words do you find to be the most offensive?:
I dislike… yeah none. I’m good with them.

42. Do you have any sexist beliefs?:
All men are dogs? That count? Okay maybe not all men, but most. And most women are bitches. So, not really I dislike both sexes equally.

43. A teenage girl wears a revealing outfit to a club and gets date raped. Did she "bring it upon herself" because she was dressed that way? Or is that mindset just sickening?:
No one deserves to be raped. Ever. It is NEVER the victims fault.

44. What kinds of books do you normally like to read?:
All kinds. Sci-fi, mystery, fantasy, crime dramas. No trashy romance novels though.

45. What do you put in your coffee?:
Coffee. Just coffee.

46. Do needles make you pass out?:

47. Do you have any friends who spend all their time with their partner, but when something goes wrong, they come back to you? Even though they ditched you for their partner a bunch of times?:
Oh yeah. The BFF tends to do this. Part of it is my fault, since I always dislike her boyfriends and don’t want to see and/or hear about it.

48. Do you think being gay is a choice?:
No. If it was a choice do you think I’d be gay? Nope. Men are so much easier to deal with than women. I don’t know the reason for it, but I know it’s a not a choice.

49. Do you think you’re good-looking? Why or why not?:
I can be at times. If I make the effort to. Why? Because I can be fucking awesome if I want to be.

50. Would you have sex before dating someone?:
I have, I think. I don’t know the official definition of dating these days. But I’d say I’d rather date for a bit before sex now. Yeah, I’m getting older and more mature. Not fun.

* Do you have problems with money?
Oh yeah. We’re on the verge of a divorce.

* How much have you spent this year so far on pants?
This whole year? Maybe $20.

* How many pairs of shoes do you have that you have worn fewer than 5 times?

* Are you addicted to anything besides nicotine or caffeine?
Nope. Those are my only two addictions.

* Do you call anyone "sexy"?

* What is your favorite type of science (chemistry, biology, etc.)?
Biology. To be more specific genetics, DNA, and such.

* Have you ever seen anyone have a heart attack?

* Don’t you think it’s sad when they tear down trees to make buildings?
I do. I like nature more than people, so fuck the people that need the building let the tree live.

* What is the last favor someone asked you to do?
My mom asked me last night to go with her to the bank to deposit money.

* Do you need to go to the bathroom right now?

* Do you believe in ghosts?

* Do you believe in aliens?
Oh yes.

* When was the last time you had an alcoholic beverage?
A while ago. I don’t really drink anymore.

* Do you have a knack for things of glitter?
No. I dislike glitter.

* Are you far from being made of gold?
Gold is a metal, and I’m not, so… unless I’m really a robot…

* Do you have the money to buy someone a ring, if you wanted to propose?
Hell no. Unless I got one from a gumball machine.

* Have you ever been to Amarillo, Texas?
Nope. Never been to Texas.

* Do you have an ex that you just can’t forget?

* Do you smile a lot?
I don’t think so. I grin more than smile.

* Can you roll your tongue?
Yes, yes I can.

* Do you like to go whale watching?
I’ve been. It was awesome. Minus the return trip where I puked the whole time. I’d love to do it again. I would love to take an Alaskan cruise and see orcas.

* When did you last go bird watching?
Never. Unless you count the bird we have as a pet.

* Have you ever carved in a tree?
No. The poor tree!

* When and who did you last lie (to)?
Like a real lie? Not just one of those ‘yeah I’m fine’ when I’m not? Uh, I dunno.

* Have you ever slept in the same bed as a dog or cat?
My cats used to always sleep in my bed.

* Have you ever played Sim City?

* Have you ever shot an arrow?
Maybe when I was little.

* What is your opinion of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Never seen it.

* Do you like soy burgers?
If you put enough ketchup and cheese on it I can choke it down. Most really don’t taste that good.

* Do you like corn?

* When did you last go fishing? Where?
Somewhere in Western VA on the way to NY in June.

* How far do you live from a river?
Couple hundred feet I’d say. The edge of the complex is on a river.

* Why did you go to the place furthest from your house that you’ve ever been?

* Are you smart?
Hells yes. I’m a fucking genius.

* What are you currently reading?
Alpha Rising.

* Who is your favorite football player?
Uh, none?

* Do you know how to drive a stick?
Not at all. I would like to learn though.

* Have you ever worked on a farm?
Work on one, no. Been on one, and done manual labor, yes.

* What is your favorite fruit?
I like fruit. But I’m allergic to most. I think apples.

* Do you believe you’ll find someone better than who you’re with now?
I’m not with anyone now, so yes.

* What is your favorite brand of frozen pizza?
Stouffers french bread pizza.

* What is your favorite pizza restaurant?
Mmm. Tonelli’s in Bethel.

* Have you ever been to Qatar? What about Turkey? Spain?
No. No. No.

* Do you like to walk up stairs or down more?
Down. Up puts too much strain on my knee. And I fall up the stairs, not down.

* Do you just prefer to use the elevator/lift?
If it’s closer/easier. Most times the stairs are quicker and easier to deal with.

* Your mom calls you at 2 AM. Do you answer?
My mom? Yes.

* Do you like your pancake syrup to be runny?
Ew. No. Minimal syrup. I remember at one of my jobs, the girls would get pancakes and they’d swim in syrup. It was sick.

* Do vampires have souls?
I doubt it. Unless you’re Angel. Or Spike. He got one eventually right?

* Do you like the color of butterflies?
Sure. They’re pretty.

* How long was your shortest relationship?
They were all short. I’d say they all last roughly three months. Officially.

* Do you like to ride on buses?
I never did care for the bus.

* What kind of shoes do you prefer to wear on a daily basis?
I suppose they’d be called ‘skater’ shoes. Like Vans, DCs, Etnies, etc.

* Do you think the world will end on 12/21/2012?
I don’t think it will end. But I’d be amused if it was the start of an apocalypse.

* What is your favorite song on Guitar Hero?
I played Rock Band. I liked ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’. I rocked that on the bass.

* What is your favorite video game?
Left 4 Dead. Or Bioshock.

* Have you ever blocked someone on a website accidentally?

* What is your favorite non-chocolate candy?

* And your favorite chocolate candy?
Hershey’s chocolate bar.

* When is the last time you went to a different county?
Xmas last year, the cruise to Bahamas and Cozumel.

* Have you ever had a nanny?
I had a babysitter.

* What are you allergic to?
What aren’t I? Trees, grass, pollen, fruit, cats, rats, horses, camels, dust mites, mold, shall I go on?

* Have you ever tried to sell make up?

* Do you hate anyone you work with?
I don’t work. Before? Uh, I don’t think so.

* What color is your favorite jacket?
Orange-y-yellow and white.

* Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?
Every single night.

* Do you like coffee?
I love love love coffee.

* Have you personalized your answering machine/voicemail?
No. It’s the stock ‘you’ve reached this phone number leave a message’.

* What do you feel like eating RIGHT NOW?

* When was the last time that you were genuinely happy?
Couple weeks ago when I say The Lion King. I mean I had fun at the Dali museum, but it wasn’t the same type of overwhelming joy that I got from The Lion King.

* Think back five months ago, were you single?

* Do you know anyone who smokes weed?

* Who is the last person you saw really drunk?
The BFF.

* Honestly, do you have any secrets?
Who doesn’t?

* Was the last person you hugged a boy or girl?

* Shoot out some lyrics to the song you hear?
I don’t hear a song.

* Do you like kisses on the forehead?
Sometimes. I guess. Maybe. I dunno.

* Who was the last person you had a serious talk with?
My mother maybe?

* Have you seen Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’ video?
No, can’t say I have.

* Do you often diagnose yourself with things after reading symptoms online?

* If left alone for a few days, could you fend for yourself?
I could. Does anyone believe that I could? No. The BFF and Demon both seem to think I can’t.

* If someone was whispering at the other end of the room, could you hear it?
Maybe. Depends. Some days my hearing is super sensitive.

* Are you one of those people who never forget a face?

* Have you ever been labelled by someone who didn’t even know you?
I don’t know. Have I?

* How long does it take you to be friendly and open up around others?
A long time. I mean I can be friendly if I have to, but I don’t open up.

* Have you ever worn bright red lipstick?
I don’t think so.

* Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
The lease ends in June, and I know we’ll move then.

* Has anyone put their arms around you in the last 5 days?

* Were you single on valentine’s day?

* Have you smoked a cigarette today?
Oh yes I so have. Probably 5 or 6 by now.

* Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
I think so. Didn’t believe it. ‘Cause no one is.

* In the summer do you see yourself in a relationship?
It would be nice.

* Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a C?
No, I don’t think so.

* Do you hate anyone?
I hate people in general.

* Who was the last person to compliment you & what did they say?
The BFF kept going on about how she liked my hair.

* The person who hurt you most recently says sorry, what would you say?
That’s nice. Don’t really care what you have to say right now.

* Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex?

* How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?

* What’s your favorite color out of these five: green, yellow, pink, blue, purple?

* How many times have you dyed your hair?
Multiple times a year since I was 14 or 15.

* Which movie did you last see in the cinema?
The Lion King

* When someone says "we need to talk," what runs through your mind?

* Are you an alcoholic?
No. That’s why I don’t really drink, it’s far too easy to be one.

* Do you own more than one working cell phone?
Well, technically I own mine, and my parents. So three.

* What are you currently hearing?
ABC News Special Report. The President is talking about how a terrorist was killed.

* How many texts are in your inbox?
Unread? None. Read… couple thousand. I never clear it out. I have lots of space.

* How late did you stay up last night?
It varies. I go to my bed anywhere from 11 to 2, and fall asleep anywhere from 12-4.

* Was your last text message from a male or female?

* What was your dream about last night?
Hiking in the mountains with a river and a group of people, and I think it was some kind of like. Okay we had to get into groups and hike to some meeting point because something bad was going on.

* Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
I slipped on the floor and twisted my knee. But I always hurt my knee.

* Where were you at 3:02 this morning?
Sleeping I think.

* What was the last drink you had?

* Who was the last person you yelled at?
I can’t really remember if I ever yelled at anyone. I’m more the quiet angry type.

* When you’re walking, do you stop to drink?
No, I can do both at the same time.

* Who was the last person you gave your number to?
Besides the filling out of forms and stuff? Family members I think.

* What color is the shirt you’re wearing?

* Whose number did you get last?
I don’t know.

* Would you ever go to Hawaii?
Sure. If it was free. It’s not really on my top places to go. I would prefer colder places, or European places.

* Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
In a way. Yeah I do.

* Anything you would change about your life right now?
Having a decent paying job would be awesome.

* Has someone ever made you a promise and broken it?
Oh more times than I can count.

* Has anyone said ‘I love you’ in the past week?

* Do you have pictures that have stories behind them?
Don’t they all?

* Do you find it hard to trust others?

* Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgive I think.

* Ever stayed up all night on the phone?
When I was younger.

* Think a lot before you fall asleep?
That’s all I do.

* Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
Not really.

* Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person?
Yes. But not anything bad.

* Are you a jealous person?
In some ways.

* Do you think age matters in relationships?
A bit. I think that most of the time it’s mutual maturity levels, and goals in life, and it can be hard if there’s a very large age

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October 2, 2011