
<— Critters that way.

Well, I just had the oddest conversation I’ve had in ages. Facebook isn’t sending me emails when I get a message. So when I went to just see what was going on I saw a message from… uh (what to call her) Purple. Now, Purple is from years and years ago, from when Mom and I lived in an apartment alone when Dad left us the last time. We dated for a few months, has a son, I adored her above all others. She was coming up to this area (she’s like 3 hours away), to go to a museum and wanted to know if I wanted to come.
The message was 8 hours ago.
Frak me right?
So, she left me her number and I texted her anyway, figure what the hell maybe she’s still around. She called me back instantly, and said she already was nearly home. But we chatted for a bit. Was kinda surreal.
Part me of me thinks she’s not really happy in her relationship. Otherwise why get in touch? I mean really it’s been like three years. Actually on halloween this year it’ll be three years I think. And just talking to her, I kinda got the impression she wasn’t really happy. She wants more of life than what she has. Oh the flip side could be she was just being nice. She was going alone, and knew I’d go if I knew she was in town, so she wanted company. 
Kinda sad that I didn’t get that message until just now. Lost that chance today. Maybe… maybe another day. Not like I can’t text her, or hell even call her sometime. Maybe… maybe see if we can be friends again. We were pretty great friends.

Hmm. What to do? Text her later today? Just to say something stupid like ‘it was great to talk to you again. it’s been a while.’ Should I? Or give it a couple days? Shit. I don’t know how this kinda thing works.

Just checked it was like 10/26/2007 when we first started talking. So that makes it four years now?

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September 13, 2011

Just send a simple “thanks for givin me your number. Even though we missed hanging out this time at least we can stay in touch” kinda deal. Non threatening and also conveys you’re happy to hear from her 🙂