
Mother should be home from work soon. I’m surprised at how well she’s dealing with the odd shifts she’s getting. Some days it’s 6:30-3:00, some it’s 11:00-8:00, others like today, it’s 4:00-8:00. It sucks when she gets home at 8:30 and then has to be back there at 6:30 the next morning.

I’m going to make french dip sandwiches for dinner once she gets home. She’ll eat it too. I have left over schezwan chicken from the chinese take out the other day, well the chicken is gone, it’s the onions, peppers, mushrooms that are left. Oh, and the sauce. I’ll cook up the thinly sliced steaks with it. Mmmm tasty. And I have a bottle of french dip au jus, some yummy hoagie rolls. Nom Nom Nom. Maybe I’ll make some fries with it. I should clean the oil in the fryer, put some fresh in. Nah, too much work. I could make rice with it, nah… fries.

I made chili yesterday. Delicious. Hot n’ spicy. It’s rather nice that my father doesn’t live with us anymore. He can’t eat spicy foods so we never made them. Now we can. And it was so spicy I’m pretty sure we were breathing fire. So good.

I applied to work as a leasing professional here at the complex. I so need a job. It makes it hard though with one car, and Moms odd shifts. The job here would be so perfect. No need for a car, I can walk the block or so to the office. Good pay, and a discount on the rent. I’m crossing my fingers.  I need a job, I have stuff I want to do, get done, and yet no money to do it.

Did I mention I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up? And it’s actually possible with minimal fuss? Private Investigator. Demon’s intern for the bail bonds, owns a private investigation agency and would let me be his intern. Only problem is I need to take the training classes (can do it online), it’s like $150. Then apply for the intern license, another $100 or so, and within a few more weeks the other half the training classes, another $150.

I thought about looking at the credit card I’m supposed to be pre-approved for. The letter came in the mail the other day. This way I could pay for the classes and license. But I’m not sure I trust myself to not abuse the cards. It would be so easily to fall back into that trap again. I’ll talk to Mom about it, see what she says. Maybe I could use it only for the stuff needed to further my career/life. Like classes.

Bah, I dunno. I’ll think about it. I should also talk to Demon about it all. See if he thinks this intern of his will stick around, and all that. And how much I’d be getting paid. I should call him tomorrow when Mom’s at work. See what he says. Also I’d need to call the state people and see how much time I’d get for my degree to count towards the two years of practical experience needed to qualify for the full license.

Maybe I should make a list of all the things I need to get done and start checking them off.

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September 7, 2011

RYN: Because she’s also trained as an EMT so she has a phlebotomy degree (the “I can poke you wif NEEDLEZ” degree) So she helped out drawing blood during the drive 🙂

September 8, 2011

RYN: like I said there’s some you can still see from far back. You shouldn’t see anything from 2003 or 2004 though…I’m still going through and privatizing everything.

September 10, 2011

RYN: LOL I already got it off her!!!