
Happy Birthday to me.
I find it funny that besides my mother, the first person to mention my birthday was my brother. Odd how things like that work.

So the party thing on Sunday. Hilarious and expected. See I purposely didn’t wear a bathing suit because I didn’t want to go swimming, and I know Demon would be amused trying to drown me. I attempted to be all strong and not give into the peer pressure of 5 other people in the pool yelling at me to get in. And how Demon’s mother has plenty of suits to wear, and go CHANGE LIKE NAO!!!

I did change. Now, I know I’ve gained weight, it’s hard not to when you sit on your ass all day. But his mother’s suits are like an XL, and really I could still get away with a medium. So, yeah huge. I ended up putting my tank top on over it otherwise I’d be flashing everyone.

And sure enough Demon picked me up and dropped me in the water a few times. We tussled, he’d grab me, I’d try to choke his and shove his head under. Or grab his crotch and squeeze, which resulted in him grabbing my nipple and squeezing. I’m still sporting a few bruises from his manhandling. Though I’m sure he’s sore too. Laughed and joked and talked about nothing real important. Did find out though that his intern for the bail bonds, owns a private investigative agency and can sponsor me. Need to get the money together for the training course and license fees.

Scarfed down food, I was starving, hadn’t eaten all day. I made a lovely delicious pasta salad. Got a case of 30 candy bars as my present. Really 30? Do I need that many? That’s probably all I eat in a year of candy bars. Going to have to put them in the fridge, they’re melting.

Demon loved his Nerf gun. He took turns shooting his girlfriend and I. In the kitchen when I was helping his girlfriend clean up he came in shooting. I tried to duck behind her, ended up bashing my head on the fridge door handles. Ow. Bruise there too.

Made plans with them to see Harry Potter. Got a text yesterday that they want to hang out Friday get drinks or something. So still no fucking Harry Potter. Jeez, at this rate I’ll never see it till it’s on DVD. Bah. Whatever. Not really sure if I want to spend the night at their place though. I’ll have to see what Mom’s work hours are. I hope I can manage to just get the car and then can drive myself home. But if I drive I can’t drink, unless it’s hours after the fact. We’ll see.

The nephew was here Monday night till yesterday afternoon. About 18 hours or so. He never shuts up, always moving. Makes my head hurt. Went to this arcade type place thing for a few hours. He’s a handful. Trying to play more adult games, or at the very least 12+. He doesn’t grasp the concept of what to do and ends up losing so bad. And he pitched a fit, like all kids do, when he didn’t have enough tickets to get the cheap dollar store prize that he wanted. Went to Arby’s for lunch, since he said he was starving. He actually was. He scarfed down his kids jr roast beef, fries, an applesauce ($2 for a fucking applesauce, that’s like the price of a whole pack!), his juice, half my soda, and half my sandwich. Damn kid can eat. But he’s always moving, so he a skinny lil kid.

His mother said she’d meet us there, and was just around the corner. So we finished up and went to wait in the car, ’cause ya know smoking is needed after eating. We waited. And waited. Called her, she said oh I’ll be there in a minute. A half fucking hour later she shows up. Women I swear. Why not just say you’re still a half hour away? Though anywhere in the area is like 15 minutes away, so not sure what the hell she was doing the whole time.

Drove the long ass hour drive home. Nap. Not sure if it was the heat, the food, or both, but Mom and I were both feeling icky. Slept till around 6:30, watched TV. Mom went to bed, I went to bed around 10. Popped a sleeping pill. I’m going to be out of my meds on Sunday, but I don’t have the extra money to spend going for an office visit to get a refill. So I’m going to try to space out the dosages. Once a day instead of twice, and just take the third a day dosage of the anxiety med since I only do it twice a day. Alternate days with the sleeping pill, since it’s really just a nice sedative. Hoping this will keep my brain under control enough to last until I get money in next week.

This month I had a few unexpected expenses that messed me up. $55 to get my license renewed, since it expired today. Got a new picture and all, but it makes my head look huge. I swear. My head isn’t that big. Is it? I dunno. And I overdrafted my account twice, by accident. So lost some more money there. Oh, and my Meme sent me a card but it lacked the normal $50 that she always sends. Is this because she gave us money a few weeks ago? Probably, makes sense. Made me a little sad. I was like "oh, but but… awww". I understand, I really do. I just hoped I would have money to get myself something nice, or do something nice for myself. Maybe in a few weeks.

And the BFF is so not responding to my texts half the time. I thought her new phone fixed the issue. She said she was sick last week and haven’t heard anything since. Not sure what being sick has to do with not being able to reply to a text. Even if it’s a, sick and busy talk to ya later, text.

Eh, whatever. It’s my birthday. I’m not going to get too upset about much if I can help it today. All bets are off tomorrow though.

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August 17, 2011