
It’s raining again.

It rained all day yesterday. To the point where the roads were flooding, and in seconds you got soaked. And guess who had to go out yesterday? Me.
Laundry, and return something to Walmart. Laundry was the worst. The second we pulled into the parking lot it started to pour. And I chose to be the one soaking wet while Mom got to run ahead. Then of course I was thirsty after playing the racing game that’s at the laundry mat, so I ran back outside in the pouring ran to get the bottle of water from my car. Oi. Got even more drenched when I had to deposit money in the ATM. Guess which way the wind and rain was blowing? Directly into my right side. Fun day all around.

And now it’s starting even earlier today. Good thing I have no plans to go outside. I only hope Mom can manage to drive home this afternoon. Hopefully the storms will move out by then. I’ll check the radar later.

Already there’s been thunder that vibrates the apartment so bad I’m sure the cheap ass windows are going to break or just simply fall out. That would be funny actually. Well I mean not that funny if I had to wait forever and a day for someone to fix it. And then well… yeah no I’ll keep the window being in and whole.

I was smart enough to get the box of candles and put a few on plastic trays around the living room/kitchen. All ready to go if the power goes out. I woke up and thought it was still night because it’s so dark out. Why candles you ask? Isn’t that a bit archaic? Well candles are nice and pretty, and the single flashlight I found doesn’t have batteries. I so hope the power stays on though. What would I do all day with no power? At least I’d still have hot water and the stove. One could thing about it being gas.

And oh shit I nearly pissed myself. We’re getting some kind of power surges or something going on. The lights keep dimming, the A/C goes quieter, and ugh. It’s freaky. It’s like someone hits a dimmer switch and everything goes down and then back up.

My birthday is in exactly one week. I’ll be 23. Getting old. Mom should have a half day. Like today. So I think she’s going to take me to lunch at the yummy Mexican place. Speedy Gonzales special, one taco, one enchilada, and rice for like $5. Maybe I’ll even get a beer, it’s my birthday after all. Then HARRY POTTER! It’s been out for nearly a fucking  month and I still haven’t seen it. Should hit up the dollar store to buy the candy goodies for a dollar instead of like $4. Then all I need is that industrial size bucket of popcorn and soda that if I drank it all would make me have to miss most of the movie by having to pee all the time.

And Sunday, before my birthday, we’re going to Demon’s parents to have a joint party. He’s the 12th, I’m the 17th. We always have a joint thing for out birthdays. One year we all went to Universal Studios. Too bad it’s so hot this time of year or I’d say we should do that again. But it’s almost impossible to enjoy it when it’s over a 100 out. I hear I’m getting a box of candy bars for my present actually. All because I had my period the last time we were there I wanted chocolate. And they didn’t have any.

Ooh, lovely, the radar looks like we’re about to get hit. Possibly 40 mph wind gusts. Mom at work will so get smashed. About 10 minutes before we get it. So I’m gunna go, and stare out of the window.

Hey I have a good side to this. That damn little kids that seem to think it’s okay to play directly in front of the doors won’t be out today. See they start as early as 8 am, and normally can be out there until it’s dark out. They play football or catch, and yell and miss the ball and it ends up hitting my window. But hey school starts in 13 days for the little buggers and they’ll be gone all day. Yay.

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August 10, 2011