
I swear I heard the phone ringing. So I jumped up, well crawled really since I still haven’t gotten a box spring and the mattresses are flopped on the floor. Managed to get my half asleep self upright, asked Mom who’s getting ready for work who was on the phone. She looked at me like I had two heads. The phone never rang. Wonderful. I don’t think I was dreaming anything that would have a ringing phone. Well I was up, and it was the ungodly hour of 5:30 in the morning. It’s still dark out. At least I have coffee.

I have to drag my ass to the office this morning to show them the electric bill. Showing that we had the electric on when we moved in so we don’t have to pay for electric usage or some other shit. Technically rent is due by today. Not like I haven’t been bugging the hell out of the office since the 1st asking why the bill is higher than it should be. It’s fucking stupid. Have I mentioned all the issues we’ve had?

-Walked in the apartment for the first time, there was stuff in it. It was a floor model and they left a bunch of stuff. Call and let them know. Even if I think since oops you left it it’s mine now should apply. More so the cute fishy cookie jar.
-The A/C wasn’t working properly so it kept running. Emergency Maintence call within hours of getting the keys.
-Couple days later the hot water heater broke and the living room got flooded. The closet where the hot waters are for this unit are just off the living room outside. Fun.
-Now the ceiling in the dining room/livingroom/hallway meet up section leaks once a week. The upstairs A/C unit doesn’t drain properly, causing it to build up and flood my ceiling. Isn’t that great? Call once a week, all they do is blow out the lines and the ceiling just looks like hell. And it’s annoying when you hear the drip. drip. drip. for hours! Now we just wait until the ceiling is about to cave in to call them. Next time I’m just going to actually wait for the ceiling to fall apart.

It’s not like I expected perfection. I lived in houses that cost three times the rent here that had more issues. But still if this was a floor model, then I’m guessing they knew it shouldn’t be rented out. They had other units open, and we end up here. I’m guessing the newbie who had never done a lease before didn’t know that this unit probably should only be rented as a last resort.

At least there aren’t any creepy crawlys. Just some little nat/fly type things from the garbage. Because it’s a pain in the ass to drag the garbage out to the car and drive it to the single, that’s right one, dumpster in the entire complex. And a few times now we’ve had to leave it on the ground near the dumpster because it had been taken out for emptying or whatever. It’s a huge compacter dumpster, more like one of those 15 feet long ones.

And I suppose it is nice. I like the floorplan. My room is on one side, Mom the other. It’s small, but cute. And sure I wish we had a couch and not this funky leather loveseat/recliner thingy. But it’s a place to sit. And my bed is not the comfiest but it’s better than sleeping on an air mattress is a cramped cramper.

Totally random here. On the news some kid in Arizona found a piece of dried fruit that looks like the virgin Mary praying or whatever. Do you think the workers do that on purpose? Take out a lil paring knife or something and design it just to see if anyone notices and then laugh hysterically when it’s claimed to be a miracle?

Anyway. I’m gunna figure out what to do with myself until 9 when I gotta walk alllllll the way to the stupid office. And then walk allllllll the way back here to pay stupid rent.

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August 5, 2011

HAHA I’d so do that to fruit!