
No, I don’t feel like getting into it as to why I’m back in Florida. Or the 18 million questions that goes along with it. If you’re that curious I’ll do it; otherwise I’ll probably write myself either a private entry or put it all down in my real paper journal.



So there’s this place up the road that has a nice big sign, Cigarettes $24.50. Great right? Right. Go in, and it’s this make your own kinda place. You go in, and the lady works up a tobacco blend for you. I smoke menthol, so it took a bit of tweaking to get the right blend together. But all in all, not bad. It’s real tobacco, not the highly processed cigarette tobacco that has all the additives. The lady lets you smoke your cigarette (in the building!) and you okay it. Then you get this bin of tobacco and a box of tubes. The filter and paper but no tobacco in them. Go to a machine where you load the tubes and tobacco, hit a button and poof cigarettes start popping out.

At first I wasn’t so sure. They didn’t taste exactly like my lovely Marlboros but I’ve gotten used to them. It’s a cigarette, and it’s half the price of buying a carton from the store. The only problem is you obviously don’t get them in packs, it’s just 200 cigarettes in a box. Bought the plastic case they sell at the store. You hit the front and the lid pops up. It’s cool. I don’t get to monitor how much I smoke as easily, because I just throw a handful in the case when it’s empty. But all in all for the money, and it is kinda fun to make them, I approve.

And yes, I understand it’s rather sad that my enjoyment comes from having smokable cheap cigarettes.

In other news; I’m working on worldbuilding for my new story. I don’t really know what the plot or anything is yet, but it’s going to be a sci-fi set in space many years in the future kinda story. Figuring out what the ships are going to look like, the suits, space docks, etc. If I could draw I’d have an easier time of it. Since I can’t, I’m using what I can find off the ‘net, tracing the image gently from the screen (put the paper on the laptop screen and trace), and trying to modify it. I may just end up re-installing photoshop and trying to tweak stuff there. I’m not that great at photoshop anymore but I’m better at manipulating images than drawing.


Sorry for that outburst. Trailer for Deathly Hollows Part 2 was on the TV. I may or may not burst out in unintelligible sounds every time.

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June 22, 2011

Damnit, now I want a cigar 😉