
I’ll post pictures in a bit. Right now since it’s early you get a survey that I stoke from TheBattlingBard who stole it from… oh I don’t remember I don’t feel like opening a new tab to look.

If you were a Star Wars character, which one would it be?

Can I be a lightsaber? Honestly I don’t know enough about Star Wars to pick, but I own a lightsaber. I think it’s actually a Darth Maul DualBladed one.
Why are manhole covers round?

Because if they were another shape it would be far too easy to not have it lined up properly and it wouldn’t fit.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?

Christina Ricci maybe, or crap what’s her name uhh Thora Birth. Apparently we look alike. I dunno.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Average.   (Go to MyLifeIsAverage.com thank me later)

If you had only six months left to live, what would you do with the time?

Quit my job, and go traveling. And do lots of illegal things along the way. And scary things. Like maybe jump from an airplane.

If you were a type of food, what type of food would you be?

Cheez-itz, reduced fat ones though.

If you were a salad, what kind of dressing would you have?


What kind of people do you dislike?

The type that breathe.

When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?

I don’t remember which one was at which time…
A- I was dropped the BFF (who can’t really be called that since we don’t talk anymore) off after a night out, it was 3am, and I wasn’t going into her house to pee, so I ran off to the wooded lot by her house and went.
B- When I was in CT a friend and I went out drinking and then drove around. Ended up at the school complex. Really had to go, looked around, and went on the edge of the soccer/baseball field.

Which would you prefer, stepping barefoot on grass or mud?

Not stepping on grass down here barefoot. 90% of the grass here has grass spurs (I don’t know what they’re really called, but they’re like a weed that has those circle spikey balls growing on it, and they’re sharp and stick to everything). Mud is nicer.

When was the last time you picked your nose?

Just now? Can’t help it. Though I do it when I’m alone.

How do you think M&M’s are made?

Melted chocolate is poured into a mold, once it cools and hardens they go into this cylinder that tumbles them in the candy coating, the different colors all get mixed, and then they get laid out and stamped with the M&M.

If you were a homeless person, what would your panhandling sign say?

"I’ll probably use any money you give me for cigarettes, and then what’s left goes to food. :-D" Hey, at least I’m an honest homeless person. I need cigarettes more than food.

If you had to become a cartoon character from the front of a cereal box, which would you want to be and why?

The Trix Rabbit. So I could smack those damn kids and get some cereal. Or the Lucky Charms Lephrechan, so I could steal the kids cereal.

You just won a yacht!  What are you going to name it?

"Finding Nemo" totally.

You’re being forced at gunpoint to get a tattoo.  What do you get and where will it be?

I don’t need to be forced. I want "Memento Mori" on my left inner bicep area, the Lion sketch by Dali on my left hip, and I’m trying to design some kind of half-sleeve that will mix my favorite things.

Paper or plastic?  Why?

I’d like paper, but it’s a pain in the arse, so plastic, cause it’s easier to handle.

Congratulations!  You just got hired to be a truck driver.  What’s your C.B. radio handle going to be?

"Jet Rocket"

I’m making a reality television show about your life!  What should I call it?


I just rented you a billboard.  You can put anything you want on it.  What are you going to put on it?

Probably a Xena/Gab pic with something like "Subtext, what subtext?"

What punctuation mark best describes you?

* I know it’s not a punctuation mark.

You win a contest and can eliminate one name from existence.  Everyone with that name will have to change it and no one will ever be allowed to name a child that name again.  Which name do you choose to eliminate from existence?

 Nevaeh sure it sounds kinda pretty, but come on we all know it’s heaven backwards! It may seem cool and hipster now but not when the kid is in school and getting the shit kicked out of her for it.

Tell two truths and one lie about yourself.

I can’t leave the house without watching the news first; I’m not sure if my work personality or my non-work personality is the real one; I still sleep with a stuffed animal.

You are joining the cast of your favorite sitcom as a new character.  What happens in your first episode?

I don’t think any of the TV shows I watch are even still being filmed. So… uhh yeah bad question.

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June 3, 2012

Your idea for a billboard is exactly what my desktop background is. 5 pictures from the dance from “heart of darkness” and then under it “Subtext, what subtext?” LOL

June 5, 2012

RYN: That’s my actual problem, there’s a website I can watch the series on, but I’m paying for mobile broadband and only get 7.5 GB/month. An hour of streaming is around 1 GB and each episode is around 48min long. Even if it was emailed to me, I would have to download it and it’d still be using up the bandwith…blugh. Things were so much simpler when I was stealing wireless LOL