
I know, I know, it’s been months since I’ve written. Bad bad me. Brief update, got pulled from helping with training because I’m "too valuable" to production to be there. I’m now doing AVR’s (assignment verification report) and it’s time consuming. Where during a full day I could get close to 300 files done (when I wasn’t training people), I can not barely get 100 files done. Lots of work, lots of double checking. It’s the hardest account we have, and I’m doing it. There’s about 12 of us in the unit now. They’re talking about pulling me to a file supe (double checking the work for correct-ness like ya know QC), but it’s not set in stone yet. Also am nearly completed with my full training. I’m at the last step out of like 12. Takes forever because we hit a point were we get stuck, and they’re attempting to figure out if there’s a way to get around it.  I suggested that if complete three tries, with only one minor (like a stupid little typo) per try, that they count all three as one good one. Makes sense to me. Otherwise you’re stuck for weeks because you get one little typo error each time.

Anyway, since I’m in a new unit, I have a new supervisor/boss/whatever you wanna call her. She’s cute, in that straight girl way. And she calls everyone ‘love’ or ‘sweetie’ or some other cute little name. Or ‘lady’. She’s big on calling us ‘lady’. I sometimes wonder if it’s because she can’t remember all our names (she is a blonde after all).

Work is work, and it’s slowly killing me. Or it could be the 50 hour weeks and minimal down time I get. Trying to figure out if we’re staying in this apartment or moving. Have to make a decision quick. We need to either sign the new lease, or sign a non-lease by next weekend. I hate making decisions like this. I don’t really know which would be the best choice. I don’t really like the apartment, but it’s not horrible either.

I’ve managed to lose a fair bit of weight since I started work in November. Through no effort. I suppose it’s not like it was a healthy way though. Instead of doing nothing but eating junk food all day, I’m lucky if I even eat once a day. I never ate lunch at work, and some nights I was so damn tired I barely managed to eat dinner. Then I started bringing lunch to work, and I wasn’t hungry for dinner. My energy levels are shit though. I’m going to try to make an effort to bring healthy lunches, maybe a salad or something. And eat a small dinner, chicken and veggies. I’m enjoying actually seeing my hip bones and finding all my clothes to be too big. I could stand to lose more weight, but I need to do it in a way that isn’t verging on starving myself. It works, but it’s not healthy at all. And I still have all those multi vitamins that I haven’t taken. If I actually manage to eat a meal I can take them, otherwise, yeah I get violently ill.

One other reason I don’t know if I want to move, is because we do have a small fitness center here. I think there’s like maybe four machines, but hey it’s free (sort of) and it’ll do. I figure I get up at 5 am every morning, instead of being a lazy ass I could get up and work out for a half hour or so every morning. And I still have some toning bands (I think they’re in my trunk), and a sit up/pull up bar thing. And there’s a dozen or so fitness videos on netflix I can watch.

My main issue though, is smoking. Honestly, I doubt my lungs could handle a full blown work out. I smoke like a pack a day. It’s weird though, I don’t even think about smoking at work, until it’s break time. It’s habit. Sometimes I don’t really even want one, but I hang with the smokers, and it gives me something to do. I smoke when I’m bored or hungry at home. I smoke the second I wake up, with my coffee, with alcohol, with stress. It’s such a part of me, it’s like my best friend. Maybe I wouldn’t have to quit, just cut down. I can manage to go a 10 hour day at work with only four cigarettes. Yet in the mornings I smoke like four in an hour. Maybe if I’m too busy huffing from exercise I won’t smoke. That might work. We’ll see.

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April 8, 2012

YOU LIVE! Also, when I can’t eat, I’ll drink the …what are they the slim fast breakfast shakes, they have a lot of protein in them. OR I’ll eat cliff bars, they’re super good and full of stuff.