
My entire body hurts. I feel like I lost a fight against Gabrielle. Cause ya know if I lost against Xena I’d be dead, but Gabby would just beat me unconscious with her staff. I worked longer than I was supposed to. I was supposed to be out at 3, so 6 hours of working. Didn’t leave until 5:40ish. And I got bitched at by the assistant manager for not taking lunch after my six hours. Uhm, excuse me, aren’t you my boss? Aren’t you supposed to let me go to lunch? Aren’t you the one who at 2:30 asked when I was leaving (3) and then asked me to stay later? Yeah… I think I spent all day yelling at myself for not listening to TheBattlingBard.
Spent 9-2:30 unpacking/stocking more lunchables and lunchmeat, and then rearranging it and restocking it all over again. Then after 2:30 I played in produce. God damn I hate bananas, and flipping the boxes, and carrying the fucking heavy boxes of bananas. And I’m short! I can’t reach the top shelves, and there isn’t a damn step stool in the place! At least not one that I can find.

I did finally tell the assistant manager that I broke and tooth and would like to know what my hours would be for the weekend so I could get into an emergency dentist. She was nice enough to let me take tomorrow off so I could get it taken care of. Not that I can afford it. But I’ll try to get Dad to pay for it. She said my schedule should be posted tomorrow, so I should be able to log in and check it. If not I’ll try to call in the afternoon to find out. If I can talk.

Gods, I hurt. I don’t think a single part of me isn’t sore. Okay my nose doesn’t hurt. At the moment. Mommy is making pizza, I hope I can eat it. I’ll take really small bites. I’m so taking a hot hot bath tonight. Maybe I’ll even put bubbles in.

The one good thing that’s going to come from this… I’m going to lose weight like crazy and gain some killer muscles. If I can keep from getting too frustrated and just talking out. No, no, I can do this. I have to do this. I need a job, I need money. I can do this.

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March 10, 2011

Saw ya on the front page, just had to comment ’cause I’m a massive Xena fan and laughed at your opening 😛 x

March 10, 2011

Many days here leave me feeling like I got stomped by gabrielle lol. Btw behind the double doors in produce usually where the rocket carts are…thats where I usually find stools or even two step ladders to steal 🙂

March 10, 2011

OK now that I’m home and can actually type (and not on a phone lol). Yeah if they have you stay over any longer and you’re gonna hit a 6 hour mark, take a lunch, no matter what (30 min minimum). Once you realize you’re gonna stay 6 or more hours, just tell whoever you work with “Hey I gotta go take a lunch” Trust me the word “Lock Out” freaks them the hell out. Say “I’m approaching lock out” if it’s gettin close to 6 hours. Lock out really applies to registers, but everyone knows what it means. Every two hours, just remember that. 2 hours, take a 15, two hours later 1 HR lunch, two hours after you come back from lunch, last break, two hours later go home 🙂

March 13, 2011

Dude, you need to go to reneeoconnor.net and sign up for the free membership, go to the videos, and watch the “5 ways to ace a job interview” I think you will laugh as much as I did. I died….DIED!