
So the interview.

I was told ahead of time to go to the customer service desk and someone would bring me to the back. Well the customer service line was long. I’m glad I got there early (not that it ended up mattering). I wasn’t going to cut ahead of customers, that wouldn’t look good. So I waited patiently. Finally 10 minutes later I was able to tell the cashier why I was there and some nice girl (rather cute) brought me to the back. They had a lot of soda back there. And I was bit concerned about the hand truck that was still under a pallet sticking out halfway into the walkway. I raised my eyebrow at that, but not my problem right? The people were still doing an interview so I had to wait in the break room. It was boring. There was no clock. I didn’t dare play with my phone or anything. I just sat there looking at a pallets of soda that were outside the door. I’m not sure how long I waited, seemed like about half an hour until the assistant manager came in to get me.

Went to another room where she printed out my application packet. A guy came in and started blah blah blahing about how awesome the store was, and how everyone was family, and how employees kept getting promoted out of the store. And then asked why I applied. I told the truth. I was in the store the other day and there were no cashiers. Two lines open and the people waiting to check out were back up into the aisles. So instead of complaining about it I went home and applied, since it was obvious they needed help.

He and the lady seemed to like that answer. And it set him off blah blah blahing again about the employees being promoted and such. And I dunno we just kinda talked. I told them how I was used to doing everything at my other jobs, how I always did more than one specific function. This is while the lady is still trying to figure out what actual position I’m interviewing for. Then she says that I’m marked as multi-task? Something like that. To be honest her accent was so thick at times I had trouble understanding her, and that’s unusual since I’m normally good at hearing past the accent to the actual words.

So she sat down again and said I could have one of two options. Cashier, or sales associate for the meat dept and produce, and possible cashier if it was needed. Then she says it would be my choice which I chose, and how if I chose sales associate I would be getting paid meat dept wage since I would be working there at times and they couldn’t make me work there and not get paid for it or something. In my head I’m like, that’s a stupid choice. Why would I chose the boring cashier with lower pay when I could get higher pay and do something a bit less frustrating. So I said I would prefer to be more versitile, I’m used to doing more than one specific job, and I like that better. I could see the ‘oh happy joy joy’ in their eyes. They were practically salvating at my answers.

The guy asked where I saw myself in a year. I said the right answer that was in the store doing what I’m doing maybe in a higher position if possible. Then he asked would I make a career of it. I said if I could, that the most important thing for me would be to have a stable job with good benefits. And then they went on about how I would be part time for at least 90 days but then could move up to full time after that and then full time would give me the benefits. I said I understood that you have to see if it all works out first, and how in time all things could be possible. And the lady went on about how she came to this country four years from Cuba and her first job was here in the dairy dept. She saw ice! She went on about how there was ice and didn’t think she could do it, and later wondered how she saw ice in the first place. But to look at her and see how for the past year and half she’s been an assistant manager and that if you work hard and blah blah blah ya know the spiel.

A few more questions like what do I do if someone asks me for blueberry pancakes and I don’t know where to find them. I said I would bring them to another employee who would know where to find blueberry pancakes. They liked that answer I guess.

Before I knew it they were looking at each other, the guy was nodding like a bobble head, and she said definately yes. And poof I was conditionally hired. Signed off on allowing a background check. Got the form for the drug test and was on my way.

Did the drug test yesterday. If it comes back all good, I’m hired. I know my background check is fine, I’m just a bit worried about the drug test. That’s what I get for smoking for the first time in months when I was with Demon. I’m hoping beyond all hope that it’s fine. I need a job. I may not want to work at a grocery store, no mind a Walmart grocery store, but they’re the only people to call me for an interview since I’ve been laid off.

It could be hell, probably will be, but it’s a job. It pays me money.

Oh, and I’d get to wear khaki pants and a green shirt. I like green. They wear green instead of blue since it’s the grocery store and not the normal retail store.

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March 1, 2011


March 3, 2011

RYN: Already tried. I can select the files and then drag them and it sits there forever saying “Discovering Items” and then”Calculating move time” then it pops up and says “This item cannot be moved at this time: I/O Error”