
My lungs feel like I inhaled enough smoke to kill a horse. And a big horse. Like Argo. Ugh.

So, I went out last night. Got the BFF to go with me to meet up with this girl J I work with and her boyfriend. And W and his fiance and cousin showed up too. It was epic. There’s this little lounge/bar attached to a giant liquor store about a mile north of me, that’s where we started at. You wouldn’t think looking at it from outside that it would be nice. I mean it’s attached to a damn liquor store right? But man that place is nice. They had a whole Chinese decor going on for Chinese New Year. And the bathrooms were CLEAN! Miracle. Got wicked drunk. Played some pool. Talked. Or well, yelled. Music was so damn loud. Had fun. The BFF didn’t really drink, letting me drink, cut loose, and be my charming self. They love me because I’m all like a smiling asshole. 

Then it was like 1am or so, we all ended up driving a couple blocks to this gay bar. Never knew it existed. And by now I’m pretty damn drunk. Get another drink, and then J’s boyfriend hands me a beer, like oh god no more alcohol I can’t do it. Those two wanted to dance, and I’m like ‘okay, sure’. J grabs my hand and doesn’t let go until we get out on the little dance floor. And is all up on me. And her boyfriend is literally dancing a circle around us. At some point I ended up in the middle of the two of them. Her in front, him behind, and just all three of us kinda slow grindin’ dancing to the music. Then it was last call, and the BFF took me home. Because I was tanked. And any more teasing from the bi girl with her accepting ‘whatever dude’ boyfriend and I was going to pounce on her and kiss her senseless.

The super cold didn’t even sober me up on my walk in the door though. So cold I could see my breath. Brrr. I stripped, and kinda forgot to put clothes back on. Passing out in nothing but underwear and a tshirt, and not even managing to get under the blankets when it’s 65 in the house, not a great idea. Couple hours after I fell asleep/passed out I woke up frozen and managed to get some layers of warm clothes on.

And here I am. Sleepy, 4 hours sleep yo! But not hungover. Yes. Only have that nasty shit in my lungs ’cause I always smoke too much when I drink.

Proud of myself though. I managed to have fun. Be honest, and myself, and didn’t make out with anyone, or act in a way I would feel shitty about at work Monday. That’s the thing with going out drinking with people you work with, you have to remember that you work with them, and Monday would be weird. So I managed to keep it under control, but still have a lot of fun. I think we’ll do it again next weekend too.

I really like J, and her boyfriend is cool for a guy, the BFF got along with ’em too. And she was so great. Kept telling me ‘no’. Because she knows me, and knows my expressions, and knows I was wanting to grab J and kiss her like crazy. She was so worried when J took my hand to take my out on the dance floor. And then even more worried when she was all on me. I restrained myself. Go me.

Next week though? I dunno. Maybe I wont.

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January 15, 2012

Oh man, enough to kill Argo?? That’s some srs bznz right there 🙁 Ok off to read the rest of the entry lol