
It’s been a rather full weekend so far and it’s not even over.
Work this week was shitty. And Thursday Friday just was overwhelming. I ended up handling about ten different things a day, none of which are really part of my job. I’m okay with that. I’ve talked to BlondeBossLady prior and I knew ahead of time that things were going to be changing, so I kept my cool, and laughed and joked and just handled it. BBL and I went out Friday after work for drinks. Her and I work the same way, we train people the same, we have the same obsessive need to be the best, to have our department be the best, and we want the same things. She has the higher ups, I have the grunt workers. Together we share ideas, people’s opinions, and what’s going on in the different ends. Then we get the full picture, and can adjust and work it from the angles.
Even though she kept going, "ugh, I can’t tell you." She implied and hinted that I’m going to be in charge officially of some people soon. It’s always been un- official that most if not all of the trainees are mine. More so lately since there’s a fresh group going through the intense boot camp training that I’m apparently working with. I found out there’s going to be people de-moted, and some got fired, some moved departments. Our group was starting to crumble. We’ve been having to just suck it up and make do with what we’ve had, but not any longer. I think it’s going to be a put up or ship out thing soon.
Our afterwork drinking sessions are a much needed thing. We both hold the world on our shoulders. Her even more so than me, since she is the big bad boss. She has bosses, of course, but really it all comes down onto her when we don’t do well. And I go above and beyond, taking things as my responsibility even when they aren’t, or when they’re pushed onto me. I not so jokingly asked her if they were purposely putting me through a stress test to see how much I can juggle and handle without losing my shit. She just grinned at me and said she wasn’t at liberty so say. Which means, yes they were testing me. I did amazing well. She also said it’s partly because they need the best to do it, and I’m the best. It just sometimes end up being a snowball effect. Who’s the best for x? Me. Who can we get to do this? Me. And so on.
I told her I would even step more and help with another person’s job since they were being kicked down a notch and there’s no one to replace them. I was  all, "you and make me do anything, any job you need me to do, I’ll do it. And I’ll keep my cool, I don’t even need to know why I’m doing it. Problem is other people get confused, and start asking questions, and when I have no answer for them, they start asking others, and shit gets out of control." I also told her to watch her back, that the person who’s being de-moted is going to flip out and blame it all on her. I suggested she get with HR first thing just to cover her own ass.

So that’s the work bit for now.

Yesterday was my nephew’s birthday party. I asked NewGirl to come with me as my date, to save me from my ex-sister in law hitting on me. She actually came, which shocked me. I thought for sure she’d bail out on it. She’s a lot like me, and isn’t comfortable being with people, or being social at all really. But it was at the park, so maybe that’s why. Open space, not being trapped in a house she didn’t know, and the ability to just get in her truck and leave if it got too much.
I cut my hair in the morning. Well I didn’t cut it, but ya know what I mean. My hair had grown that it was past my shoulders, longer than I’ve had it probably since I was 15. I got it short. Shorter actually than I wanted. And I’m not 100% on it, but we’ll see. Anyway, so I told her I cut it, but no one else we saw at the party (before she got there) recognized me right away. So I was a bit worried she wouldn’t. Nope, she knew me right away. And actually we were walking towards each other and once she saw me she actually smiled rather big. And instinctivly she just reached out to touch my hair. Quickly moved away once she realized what she was going. But I love those little moments, where she just without thinking shows that she is interested in me.
There was only one bench to sit on, and it has a bar dead center, so it’s rather hard to squish people on it. It’s supposed to stop people from trying to sleep on the bench. Well my mother had one half. So NewGirl and I squished into the other half. I was half sprawling sideways and she was sitting in front of me. Meant we were rather cozy. My mother told everyone she was my girlfriend, and she went along with it.
We talked about nothing majorly important, more so just sharing our life a little. Getting to know each other more. I got a hug when we left, a good hug. And I’m nearly certain there were all these moments where she wanted to kiss me. But we were in public, and there were kids around.
I’m going to see her today. Because I stupidly agreed to work today to run reports. Friday I was begged to come in, so I agreed. I knew NewGirl had a few hours of OT she still had to do, so I asked her if she wanted to work with me Sunday (today) instead of staying late. Though they moved all our seats around, so we’re not sitting together, but that’s alright. I’ll still get to be near her.
And I’m going to see if she wants to get lunch after work. As a date. A real date. She knows I’m interested in her, and while she hasn’t said she’s into me, she hasn’t said she isn’t. I’ve given her plenty of easy ways for her to let me down gently, or even not so gently. And she hasn’t. I’ll explain to her that I’m not asking for commitment, or something serious right now, but I think we should at least try to make a go at something.

So that’s pretty much it.

OH! Right! I found some this nice vintage fountain pen lot (for parts/repair) on ebay last weekend. I bid on it, and won. So sometimes this week I’m going to have a whole pile of pens to play with. I think I counted at least 15 or so. Most weren’t whole, but there was enough bits and pieces to have a bunch of complete ones. And since I had all these pens coming in, I bought 21 ink samples Friday. Yes, 21. 9 of them are fast drying samples for work. I’ve been using the last bit of my older ink samples mixed with water and food coloring in my cheaper pens, and it’s been good at work. But some true ink that dries fast is going to be awesome. The other samples were on on clearance, so super cheap, and are mostly greens and reds and scented. Hehe. Oh and a handful have wicked awesome names, like Magic Druid, Magic Ghost, etc. So hopefully I timed it right and the ink and pens should arrive the same day.

Well I have to be at work in two hours, I should shower, and play with my hair. I want to try to see if I can get it look awesome, and yet adult at the same time. I normally just end up looking cute and adorable in a little kid way. And I need to remind myself to get an eye exam next pay period so I can get my contacts.

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