Today was big pill day.

Since I wrote here before I have managed to acquire a disease and a pill habit.

Nothing particularly dangerous and nothing I’m in the mood to talk about right now.

But it’s something that requires me to take a dumb little series of pills.

I have a declining/tapering prednisone dose, and a baby aspirin and Prilosec.

Those are daily.


On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays – three times a week, folks, I take a large white antibiotic, a sulfa drug I believe.

It’s the one that keeps me from giving blood, which is a sad thing for a serial blood donor like me.


Since I’ve written here also I’ve lost my photo habit.  I maybe could reinstate that.  Photos make a diary more interesting for readers, and a better record for the writer as well.  If I have more time and if my computer seems more stable I will try again.

In a lot of ways I feel my life has minimized since I was here before.  Sad statement, isn’t it?




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December 7, 2017

I am so glad to read you again. And please include your photos. I enjoy your eye and like seeing your places. I get the minimized life idea. But who are we really inside?