No Boundaries
I suppose I’ll clarify things that have been going on.. but I’m lazy, so I’ll just post from my livejournal…
August 29, 2003
So last night I went to this club-place with my friends Faith, Robin, and Rich. Robyn was auditioning for the club to be a dancer.
Oh wait.. freeze frame a moment. This is a strip club, by the way. Full nudity, yes.
It was the most lesbianic experience of Faith’s and my lives. It’s very difficult to sit in front of a girl who is about your age who is nude and shaking her breasts and ass at you. You want to look away, but also you don’t want to insult her. I’m not homophobic, mind you. I merely get no pleasure out of staring at the female body.
So anyways.. back to the point.
The money seems really good there. I’m desperate for money, and no where else is hiring me. What’s the logical conclusion?
I’m auditioning on Sunday.
Basically, if I can go up there, dance, and get naked without freaking and bolting, I have the job.
I really need the money.