Robert started Preschool! (PICS)

Today (Thursday) was his second day.  Monday was his first.  I have so much to journal about it, but I never know how much time I’ll have till R…

OK, that was yesterdays entry!!
Robert just fell asleep, so I think I can get an entry in.  We had orientationtation on Sunday morning that Roy attended, so he finally got to see the school!  It was cool.  There were a lot of other parents there.  Penina didn’t make it, but Lani, her husband was there with little Bobby.  Guess she’s
traveling again. 
We learned the ropes while one parent took the child to the main room (in the synagogue) for a look at reptiles (that had been brought in for the event!)  Roy and Robert had fun with that while I compulsively took tons of notes during the teacher’s orientation talk(!)
The next morning (Monday) was his first "full" day (4 hours, 9am-1pm) where he was attending "class."  He didn’t have any problem when I dropped him off!!  He said, " bye!" non-chalantly as he busily played with trains and kids.  THAT was a relief, cuz I watched a couple other kids MELT down!!  Poor things!!  And poor teachers!!  They are good at the art of distraction, though!
When I picked him up after the first day, the teacher had a positive report for the day.  She did say that he broke down crying in the middle of an activity and wanted his Mommy!!  🙁  I guess he didn’t cry for too long, and got re-involved in the activity. 
Thursday, on the way to class, he was happy to be going.  He even ran thru the gate and into his classroom happily.  But before I left, he did tell me he wanted to go home!!  (he actually started to fall asleep right when we were rounding the last 2 corners before we arrived at class.  When I attempted to leave he stopped what he was doing with the teacher and he screamed, "NO!  Go home, Mom!  Go home!!"  (meaning HE wanted to go home, too!)  Sigh, what a heartbreaker.  But the teacher distracted him again (with some stamping being done at the table) and I did leave without trauma.  We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Here he is on the way to school for the first time

forced smile for mom  🙂

he finally got to paint!

nice picture, Zug!

what he was doing when I picked him up from class on Day #1

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