Going Back to Work on Monday :(

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I have been stressing a bit because I finally am going back to work on Monday!!  MY FOUR MONTHS OFF WORK (well, 16 weeks to be precise) IS OVER!!!!!  I can’t believe it’s all over and done with!!  I just want to take this moment to thank Hashem (G-D) and my job for the benefits given to me for the time I got to have off work while still receiving pay!! 

Things I got done while on maternity leave:

1.  LOTS of cleaning up in my garage, including giving a lot of very good items to a family in need (due to house burning down in fire), selling items, giving away items

2.  Cleaned up house, had fans installed,  and made room for baby.  (I still need to pull my clothes out of the garage for going back to work!!)

3.  Organized baby stuff (multiple times now!!)

4.  I HAD A BABY!!

5.  Brought baby home and cared for him well for the last almost 12 weeks!! (including mastering the breastfeeding and pumping thing!!)

6.  Got thru the Bris (circumcision ceremony) with family coming in from out of town, etc.

7.  Got Thank You cards out (MULTIPLE times!!)

8.  Did some research on getting a PT Cruiser and may have just decided I’d really prefer a Honda CR-V!!

9.  GOT THE UPPER HOUSE RENTED OUT WITH ONLY A $20 LOSS IN BETWEEN TENANTS!!! (and raised our rent $295/month and hopefully will be getting it on time!!)

10. Took the baby home to Indiana to meet Great Grandma and visit with MANY other people, incl. grandparents and Chicago cousins

11.  Made Robert a beaded springy toy that came out REAL nice

12.  Made a BREASTFEEDING BLANKET CLIP to clip the blanket around the shoulders (it’s beautiful and now I’d like to make a lanyard to match it so I can wear it to work and think of my baby!!)

13. Made a few new girlfriends and 2 of them are Jewish (I haven’t had Jewish friends for a LONG time!!)

14.  Got insurance taken care of in time for baby

15.  Helped Roy with multiple things like deciding to get more car projects, cleaning up his garage, making room for his friend to stay in our RV

16.  Helped keep Dylan on track for the end of 7th grade and dealt with irresponsibility, lying, bad attitude, and good behaviour. 

17.  Got Dylan his new skateboard

18.  Helped Roy get thru part of his dental work.  Will help him get it done on the 28th!

19.  Kept myself in shape (pretty much!!)

20.  Built multiple baby things, like putting together his Jeep Stroller, his new Crib, and finally his new dresser (took 5 hours last night  for Dylan and me to build it!!)

21.  Got a little reading in (mainly baby stuff)

22.  Got a little bass practicing in and got Could You Be Loved and part of Easy Skanking down!!

23.  Helped a little in the yard, mainly with getting and watering all the new plants that Roy and the yard guy have planted  (bamboo starting to really sprout now!)

24.  Became a bit more friendly with neighbors we see when we take our morning walk.  (Learned that Don passed away, and also another neighbor’s husband died – both from cancer)

25.  Got a lot of new reggae CDs for us to listen to so we can expand our music from the Bob Marley/Peter Tosh stuff we always listen to

26.  Got my resume on the Sharp website in preparation for looking for a job more near to our home

OK. I’m running out of big things to put on the list.  I think I feel that I’ve gotten quite a bit done since I’ve been off work!  I am really sad that my time with Robert is coming to an end and I will have to become satisfied/happy with only being with him four days a week instead of 7.  It’s going to be hard.  But with me getting depressed and feeling isolated being inside with baby a lot, I think going back to work MAY be a good thing.  We shall see.  I’m certainly not looking forward to leaving my little, chubby, breastfed baby.  *sigh*  Mama’s going to cry.


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