Breastfeeding Robert

I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while, but haven’t had the TIME!!  (what’s THAT?!)  First of all, at Robert’s one month Dr. Checkup he weighed 10.5 lb!!  OMG!!  a 3 lb weight gain in one month?!  I asked if that was normal and they said yeah, for a breastfed baby especially.  Dang!!  What a chunk-o!!


So let me write about my experience breastfeeding my son.  First of all I have this "platform."  It’s called My Brest Friend and it’s like a Boppy, only it has a back that secures to the front (for extra support).  i call it my platform and I carry Robert around on it (while making sure he can’t fall off the edge!!)  I’ve been using it since I came home from the hospital with him, so he’s used to it and gets into his positions of choice. 

When he realizes he’s near the nipple, he gets this look on his face!  He kinda freezes and goes a bit cross-eyed as he is trying to view the nip, I guess.  His upper lip sticks out and hardens.  He is SO CUTE!!  Then he kinda messes around with the nipple by batting at it with his lip and nose.  He’ll open his mouth but root around quickly around my nipple!!  It’s so funny to watch.  I guess he’s stimulating it to get it to harden which makes it easier for him to suckle.  He actually will growl at it when he gets going!!  

So, after he messes with it for a while he’ll sometimes LURCH forward and jump on the nipple and start drinking/gulping like there’s no tomorrow.  Inevitably, he’ll choke on it!  He HAS gotten quite a bit better recently with regulating his breathing with the flow of my nipples.  I think they both qualify as "fast flow" nips now!!  (the way he can get to chokin’ on each one!! – especially when tired)  

One thing that bothers me is when he starts to breastfeed, and then gets a look of pain or sadness on his face and he starts HOWLING and stiffening his body.  Then he starts bearing down and trying to have a poopy (!!)  He does this for a long while, while passing lots of gas.  I’m SURE someone is going to tell me that it’s my diet and I have to quit eating everything I live on.  The pediatrician already did that to me.  She rambled off a list of stuff I shouldn’t eat if he’s getting a diaper rash around his anus.  The list included all things dairy (OMG could I give up cheese, ice cream, yogurt, milk?!), tomatoes, oranges and lemons, peanuts (GIVE UP PEANUTBUTTER?!), coffee, chocolate…  oh, yeah.  And give them all up at the same time.  Just cold turkey. 

So far that hasn’t happened.

But if I’m causing him the discomfort and the farts, then maybe I should try…formula from time to time?  *the audience grows dead quiet*  I don’t know.  I just don’t want to be the cause of the howling at my breast from time to time.  He screams at it and hits it and scratches it!!  I feel bad breastfeeding thru all that so I’ll ease up and stop feeding him if that’s how he gets.  I’ll always offer him a bit more later, but sometimes it’s just putting him in the horizontal position that seems to cause him to start to cry.  and then sometimes it’s his diaper.  I swear to G-D that diapers are going to put me in the poor house!!!  How many diapers can a kid go thru in 10 min!! I know I shouldn’t probably change him with each poo, but I really DO try to wait sometimes!!  He st ill will manage to pee/poo right as I tuck his new diaper under his butt!! 

He has been getting good at peeing right as I lift UP his butt and then he pees all over himself!!  YAH!!  In the middle of the night that is NOT COOL on Mom’s bed!! But he’s so stinkin’ cute, I guess he can get away with it. 

I’ve started trying something to save some diapers.  I use a washable breast pad (that I don’t seem to need to use) and I put it under his tush to catch a SMEAR of poo that usually has me having to change the diaper.  This time I just will have to take out the washable pad and use the diaper a little longer!!  This is my THEORY!!  So far, every time I try this theory out, I end up having to change the diaper anyway, cuz he pees in it, or he poos at the last second and gets the diaper or SOMETHING!!   But I WILL save a diaper or two.  I just will get a little more practice with these breast pads!

OK.  I think I got to say all I wanted to about breastfeeding.  It’s a very bonding experience, but sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed with how much time it takes to feed.  And how often he  needs to feed or be changed.  I can see how post partum depression would hit around the 6 week mark.  I’ve just become a bit frustrated with the lack of sun, etc.  How my life is wound around his now, and needs to be available to just Robert for a while.  It’s a drastic change from my fast paced "Git ‘Er Done" mentality of the past.  But I know this is a short period of time in hisour lives and I should be cherishing every moment.  So I really do try!!

would pumping and letting someone else feed from time to time be so terrible?  I have frozen breastmilk in my freezer.  I could pump and let Roy feed for one feeding during the night.  But I don’t think he really would WANT to!! And I usually don’t mind really getting up.  He actually breastfeeds pretty well at night time.  Day time breastfeeding is when he gets the stomach aches.  Weird.

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June 8, 2008

Maybe he has a dairy intolerance? Formula is the worst possible thing to give him if he might have a dairy intolerance. It’s based on cow’s milk, so I doubt it would help him, it would probably make matters worse, and decrease your milk supply. The way you described his method of breastfeeding is so adorable, and true. And it only gets cuter as they get older.

June 8, 2008

I’ve found that it is so much easier for me to just get up and breastfeed at night because when hubby gets up it’s a bit of a production as far as getting the bottle around and changing her and I end up laying there awake listening to her cry anyhow. Formula would be much quicker for night feeding, drop it in the water shake and feed.

June 8, 2008

Ok for starters, have you tried the gas drops? Also, try feeding him upright, lay back and put his head upright with his legs in between your legs. I do not recommend formula, as that will cause more issues than you need if you can breast feed. I agree with trying to stop eating certain items. I couldn’t eat any veggies that were gassy. Esp lettuce. Nor could I eat spicy things. Funny thing is myson wanted to stop nursing around 7 months and I fought with him to make it to a year. Now, I am trying to wean him and he wants nothing to do with weaning. I am kicking myself now. I am still feeding him frozen milk mixed 50/50 with whole milk, which I have been doing for over a month..yeah, I still have a lot in the freezer.

June 8, 2008

ryn, just post it into your page. Let me know if you need further instructions. I have it saved there for every entry I need. I picked mine from But there are a lot of sites

June 8, 2008

Blah. There’s no reason not to give babies formula unless the reason really is allergy. In fact, allergy for milk and lactose intolerance are two totally different things. Similac makes formula for sensitive babies so you could try that one – or you can discuss with your doctor first to rule out any allergies. Just don’t keep switching from one formula to another because that causes more problems. As for decreasing the milk supply…. that’s why breast pumps were invented. That’s why working moms are still able to breastfeed. 🙂 Babies need air baths. Get a pack of cloth diapers and lay him down in his crib or another safe surface and place a cloth diaper under him. Also be sure to put a piece of some sort of plastic under the cloth diaper so it doesn’t soak right into the sheet or blanket or whatever he’s laying on. That way, you just need to keep on folding a clean piece of cloth under him when he pees and poos – you just need to wipe of the poo with some toilet paper or wet wipe, flush it and turn a clean corner of the cloth under him. Simple, huh? 🙂 Air baths also help prevent diaper rash as his butt’s not in contact with wetness all the time. Plus, babies lov

June 8, 2008

–> love the feeling of freedom that being naked gives them. Well at least Miia does. 🙂 Saves on diapers and helps with diaper rash – air baths are gooood! 🙂 You should be changing the diaper as soon as he poops because prolonged wetness sure is not comfortable for him. As for putting him in the horizontal position – if he cries every time, I don’t know what’s wrong, but if he does that soon after eating, it could be that what’s it called…. acid reflux or whatever it’s called. The food comes up and causes him discomfort. Again, a doctor can determine if that’s a problem. The farting will diminish sooner or later. I never let go of my diary diet when I was breastfeeding, I just made sure that I burped Miia well (long enough till I was sure there was no more air in her belly) because the air travels through the digestive system and comes out as farts. Also, if you do give formula, make sure it’s not cold because that can cause gas as well. Mylicon drops may help with gas, we bought a bottle but never needed to give them to Miia, her farting pretty much stopped shortly after we got the drops. She still farts but not to the extent that she’s in pain o

June 8, 2008

or uncomfortable. It may be a good idea to get Robert used to a bottle around this time because it’s then easier to get him used to sippy cups. My friend who’s exclusively breastfeeding has tried to get her daughter to take a bottle now, at 5 months, and she won’t take it, she just wants to breastfeed and my friend’s not happy at all because she’s trying to get started on solid food littleby little. Miia on the other hand got her first bottle at just a couple of weeks old and now she can totally tell the difference between a pacifier and a bottle. It’s also been easy to slide a spoon of baby cereal in her mouth and she’s only 4 months old. But basically, whatever works for you and Roy should be what you’ll do. We can all tell you what to do but it’s eventually you two who make the final decision. If you want to give formula to Robert, no one should have anything to say about that. It’s a personal choice and everyone makes their own. 🙂

June 8, 2008

Oh, and about that one note above – I can only tell from personal experience but once Miia started on formula, all her issues disappeared and I was a lot happier too. It really depends on you and what you want to do. There are good and bad sides to both options – I know breastfeeding should be the number one choice, but formula doesn’t make stupid babies. For instance, everyone comments on how alert and active Miia is. 🙂

June 8, 2008

He could just have gas – when Margaret does that I sit her up and burp her. Sometimes it takes a long while but eventually I get a good ringer out of her. At other times she’s already got air in her guts so she just has to work it out. She likes being held upright best for this, so again we’ll just take a break and let her do her duty (or doody as the case may be). I would definitely NOTrecommend giving him formula – that would wreak even more havoc on the baby’s digestive system than your breastmilk, even if you’re eating something he might be sensitive to. Most formula is made with cow’s milk anyway, and overall is not nearly as easily digestible as the real thing. I’d say if you’re making it, just keep giving it! Good for you! Love reading about your bebeh 😀 xo